21 • The You of Today

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After playing with Pam, the little girl that Jungkook bought to play at the playground. Lisa bid goodbye.

"Bye pam" Lisa said and waved. "Bye, Lisa unnie and Jungkook oppa!" Pam waved at the two.

"Mom, one day, I will marry that guy" Pam said to her mother pointing at Jungkook. "No sweetie, you can't. He has a girlfriend, and it's Lisa" her mother said.

Yoongi heard it. "Are you guys secretly dating?" Yoongi asked confusedly. "Even the kid mom's think you two are a couple" Seokjin said frowned.

"What kind of question is that? And no, dorks!" Lisa said rolling her eyes playfully at them earning a cough on Jungkook. She look at him and glare.

"So, what happened there? We saw you guys laying down at the–" Namjoon said but his words got cut abruptly by Lisa who's changing the subject.

"Look, the foods is here. Are you guys hungry? I'm starving. Let's go eat" Lisa said dragging Rosie with her.

"Pfft, why avoid his question?" Rosie said asking Lisa only to be ignore by her and continue blubbering words of food. "Want some pizza?" Lisa asked. Rosie shook her head at her in disbelief.

Weeks have passed, Lisa and Jungkook still spend time together. Also, Jungkook finally remembering Lisa, little moments that he remembered when he's with her. But as he remembers, he started to catch feelings. Even though he keeps telling himself that he can't like her but his heart says the opposite. The guys are worried from him since they'll know what will happen if Jungkook keeps being with Lisa.

"Yah, Jungkook-ah, we saw what happened a few weeks ago." Namjoon started the conversation with Jungkook and Hoseok.

"Yeah, the way you look at Lisa is that, there is really something and we started to think that you like her." Hoseok whispers.

"Like who?" Lisa said out of nowhere causing the three guys to get startled by her presence.

"How did you uhh.. hear us?" Hoseok asks stuttering.

"Well, you guys are bad at whispering" Lisa said while munching on the sandwich. Jennie who arrive at the scene immediately called for Lisa.

"Lisa, it's girls night tonight." Jennie said and look at the boys and smiled at them while back at Lisa nudging her.

"Right. I forgot. The usual? It's on my room? Or here at the living room?" Lisa asked. "Well, the usual. But if the boys want to come it'll be here at this living room." Jisoo said.

"Wait–girls night?" Jimin asked frowning at the girls one by one needing an answer to his question.

"Every eight date of the month, we always spend our night together. You know, girl stuffs. You guys wanna join?" Rosie asked looking at them, who's contemplating.

"No, hyung. No" Jimin whined. "Sure, we'll join" Seokjin said and wink at Jisoo only for her to get disgusted. Jimin stare at his hyung in disbelief and continue to whined but Jin ignored him.

(moments later)

"You guys looks so pretty" Rosie said complimenting them while her both hands are intertwined with each other.

"Why did you agree to this hyung?" Taehyung said shooking his head in disbelief. He just wore a snow white dress with matching a red ribbon hairband, that courtesy by Jennie. She made him wear it since they want to join.

"I don't know about you guys, but I like this. I feel so pretty" Seokjin said and looking at the mirror, complimenting himself.

Meanwhile, Yoongi who wore a short wig hair with matching with his school girl concept uniform, courtesy by Jisoo and Jennie who laugh there ass off. While Lisa and Rosie are really shocked with the outcome because Yoongi is so pretty.

When Yoongi felt that there attention are all to him, he flips his short wig hair only to be taken a picture by Taehyung who giggled and laugh.

"YAH! DELETE THAT!!" Yoongi yelled almost crying. Hoseok look at the phone of Taehyung and immediately laugh his ass off.

"Oh hey, you want a kiss darling?" Seokjin said, he just wore the Cinderella outfit concept that courtesy by Lisa and Rosie who laugh while making Jin wear it.

"Just go to sleep hyung" Hoseok said and shook his head by the behavior of his hyung who acts like a girl.

On the other hand, Lisa is having a time with Jungkook. She ties Jungkook's hair into a bun.

"Okay, done" Lisa said while finishing to tie, and look at his face. She smiled and giggled because of how cute Jungkook is with his not so long hair.

"Why are you giggling? Is it bad? Are you making fun of me again?" Jungkook asked in disbelief.

"No, I'm not. Just.. you look like a baby" Lisa compliment that made Jungkook smile only for Lisa to see his bunny smile that stood freely infront.

Rosie who hold a camera, takes pictures of Jungkook and Lisa after taking the pics of Jimin, Jin, and Taehyung who laugh their ass off teasing Yoongi. She looks at it and send it on to Mr. Jeon

Meanwhile, with Mr. Jeon and Park Hyun-sik. "Dad, you look so happy, what's the matter?" He asked. "Look, Rosie sent me a picture. I've never seen them enjoying so much. We need to frame this" Mr. Jeon replied while still staring at his phone still smiling.

"I'm glad they're getting along" Mr. Jeon mumbled to himself and smiles.

They'll enjoyed the rest of the night. They tied their hairs, put on some make up, made pancakes, did their skincare routine, and other stuff.

After all the things that made them wasting their time, they'll fell asleep. Lisa and Jungkook were left in the living room, cleaning all the mess. After how many minutes, they're done at cleaning, and sat on the couch, resting.

Lisa started the conversation of the both of them who's rarely quiet that made the atmosphere get so awkward.

"This reminds me of something. Whenever I and Jung guy throw a party, just the two us, he would always fall asleep on the couch." Lisa said sharing the things that made her dejá vú. Jungkook looks at her and responds,

"Really? Have you ever dreamed of Jung guy?" Jungkook asked even though he felt that it's him. "Yeah, that's how I remember him. I always dream about our memories together. I even pronounced his name wrong, I said Jangkukk and Jongku. But don't get me wrong, I swear I didn't remember his name." Lisa shared. Jungkook smiles.

"It is you" he said softly.

Lisa continues to talk about her memories with Jung guy on to Jungkook.. (even though it's jungkook👀)

"Okay, I talk too much, we'll throw the trash bags tomorrow and you–" Lisa cut her words off only to see Jungkook falling asleep and has been on his deep slumber earlier.

She looks at him in awe, and giggled at his soft snores. She caressed his hair and parted it, she smiled.


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