15 • The Sweet Nothings

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Jimin spotted Jungkook and Lisa who's just quietly staring at each other. He doesn't wanted to break it through but the others are looking for them so he doesn't have a choice but disturbed them.

"Why are you guys still here? It's time for the lantern stuff" Jimin said, finally breaking the awkward atmosphere between the two.

Jungkook scratching his nape awkwardly and said, "Right, let's go" they'll went outside after Jimin's telling them that it's time for the lantern stuff to fly in the air while wishing something.

They'll focusing writing something on their lanterns. There were only ten lanterns and it wasn't enough for the eleven of them, Jisoo said something that made the two panicked.

"I heard that if you write the name of a boy and a girl in this lantern, the both will end up together in the near future or the two are made of God to be soulmates" Jisoo said not minding of who's the one writing the same lanterns.

"Wait, did you write your name here?" Jungkook asking Lisa.

"Yeah, why?" Lisa said frowning.

Lisa turns it around and they both wrote their name on the same lantern. The girls gasped and the boys looking at them with wide eyes open and mouth agaped.

"Oh" the only, Jennie said before looking shocked.

Lisa remained calmed and solve the situation. "It's okay. It's not like it's true right?" She said talking to Jungkook convincing him that it's okay.

Jungkook shook his head. "Yeah.."

They'll fly the lanterns above the sky, that makes the whole black sky lighting with orange lanterns that makes it so much beautiful to look at.

"Woah, it's so beautiful" Lisa mumbled admiring the lanterns that are lighting with colored orange.

"Yeah" Jungkook said softly, looking at her. Lisa turns to look at Jungkook, but he is fast and looks away.

(meanwhile with Mr. Jeon)

"Ah, Shin-Hye, long time no talk. Any updates? How are they doing there in Thailand? Are they having fun?" Mr. Jeon asks.

"Mr. Jeon, Lisa, and the girls are truly great. The boys have never greeted me everytime they visit here. I see, they're starting to learn good manners. And the boys are also having fun, I've never seen them smile a lot" Ms. Park explained and smiled after.

"That's great, I know, I choose the right girls" Mr. Jeon said smiling at the great news he heard from Ms. Park

(next day)

"My head hurts" Jimin mumbled while holding his head pouting.

"Me too, my back hurts. Lisa, can you buy us medicines?" Rosie asking a favour from Lisa.

"Alright, what about you, Jimin sshii?" Lisa asked.

"Jungkook knows it" He said before looking at Jungkook.

"Yah! What are you saying?" Jungkook said and glared at his hyung for making him go when he's just quietly at the side while on his phone scrolling.

"Okay, let's go" Lisa said and didn't wasted no time and grab her comfortable jacket and head out.

"Right" Jungkook mumbled and goes to grab his jacket too.

While Jungkook's paying for the medicine, he turned to Lisa who was looking at the park outside and thinking that maybe she wants to go there.

Moments later, instead of walking back home. Jungkook went inside the park.

"You can go, I'll stay here for a while" Jungkook said while sitting at the swing.

"Nah, I'll stay here too. This reminds me of someone from my pasts" Lisa said and seated at the other swing beside Jungkook.

After the soothing peaceful atmosphere, Jungkook talked. "Jimin texted me, he said he's about to die because of his headache" Jungkook said looking at his phone reading Jimin's messages.

"Pfft, he'll hunt you in your dreams" Lisa said chuckled. Jungkook stand up and goes to the park's door, he tried to open it but it's locked.

"It's locked, the fence is too high, we can't jump out" Jungkook says after looking at the higher fence of the park.

"I forgot, they changed the schedule. My phone turned off, call them" Lisa said, after looking at her phone that is out of battery when she remembers she forgot to charge earlier.

"How can I call them? After, I look at Jimin's message my phone turned off. I forgot to charged earlier" Jungkook said and finds a way to get them out of the park.

"Great, we'll have to wait until 7:00 am" Lisa said looking down pouting.

Suddenly, it starts raining. Jungkook noticed that Lisa was shivering. He took his jacket off and gave it to Lisa.

"Just don't say anything, this will help. You're shivering so badly" Jungkook said and hugged Lisa when he noticed that the jacket he gave didn't help Lisa fight her cold.

"Yah, what are you–" Lisa said, unfortunately got cut off by Jungkook's.

"My grandma used to do this to me when I get cold, it helps. Just stop talking" Jungkook said hugging Lisa tightly.

She smiled. After a few minutes, when Jungkook didn't heard Lisa's talking. He glance at her a little only for him to see her fast asleep while hugging him back.

He smiled and hugged her more tightly and made her face bury it on his chest and Jungkook's chin are on Lisa's head since they have height differences.

After a while of hugging, the rains stopped but still they can't get out of the park and Lisa is sleeping soundly so Jungkook made her released on the hug, and put her hand on his nape while he lifted her up bridal style to go to a cabin, probably a canteen that they can stay the rest of the night.

He made her sit of one of the chair. He look at her and she was still sleeping without minding what's happening. He fixed her damped bangs and then seated beside her, he made her head lie on his shoulder so she will have comfortable sleeping.

Jungkook then made his head lie on topped of her head since he is feeling drowsy, only for him to closed his eyes and drifted to sleep.


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