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Next morning, Beomgyu woke up to a splitting headache and a savouring smell of pancakes from his bedside table. A thank you gift from Arin for taking care of her last night - was what the note attached to it said.

Beomgyu wondered where could she have gone to so early in the morning but when his eyes fell on the clock, he almost chocked on thin air.

"10 A.M.?!" Beomgyu shouted and in an attempt to quickly get down from his bed, the intensity of his headache increased even more and he plopped down on the mattress yet again.

Guess he had to take a leave from his work and classes today. He shouldn't have drunk so many glasses of whatever Wooyoung gave him the previous day. Sure, it had low alcohol content but some fifteen glasses of it would be enough to give him a headache. A strong one.

With unfocused eyes, he quietly finished his pancakes with frequent grunts here and there. He silently thanked Arin or he would have to go without breakfast slash lunch that day.

After gaining a little stability, Beomgyu started replaying what happened the day before in the club. Huening kai's sudden role reversal and Wooyoung's secret. Was there anything else memorable? Oh yea, the singer.

What was his name again? Beomgyu forgot already but it was a young boy with blonde bangs and defined features in a white suit.

Beomgyu did have future plans to pursue music after he finished studies. He wasn't gifted in that aspect at all but since it was one of the few things shining a ray of hope in his life at the present moment, he decided to go with it. He remembered learning how to sing from his dad, though it was in bits and pieces of memories from his young age.

And Yeonjun complimenting him at that on their last day didn't help at all but push him towards the music field.

Maybe he can put that singer from the club as his idol till he reaches his dream. Beomgyu aspires to sing with such honesty and emotions like him that would totally move the audience. He wishes to make music that would bring about a rollercoaster of emotions just like it did in him the night at the club.


Stepping out of his room, Beomgyu was blinded by the sudden intensity of light. He hates sunlight.

Rosemary was playing with kids at a distance. She had fine wrinkles appearing on her face and her hair had a touch of grey here and there. Still, her evergreen beauty shined through. Whenever you would speak to her and she would smile while the sides of her eyes crinckled into a crow's feet, you could see how she never lost her everlasting kindness and warmth.

"Rosemary!" Beomgyu called out to the said woman who had an unusual frown set on her face when her eyes met Beomgyu's.

"You returned late at night yesterday." She indirectly questioned him. Though it was a frequent occurrence for Arin to party and have sleepovers elsewhere but it was a first for Beomgyu to be out after 10pm. He could have at least informed her so that she would not be worried sick when he didn't appear for dinner.

But she saved her words for another time as she wanted Beomgyu to realise his own mistake.

"I should have told you before I left," Beomgyu frowned, "but Huening kai arrived and everything happened in a rush so... " He pouted. Soon his face lit up in a bright smile as he informed Rosemary of another news, "Did you know whom I met yesterday? Wooyoung!"

Rosemary's frown deepened as she reminisced the boy who eloped from their orphanage. She didn't know what exactly led to it and she obviously didn't buy his plain excuse of "living on his own". It was some conflict created with the higher ups.

Wooyoung was calm, clever and righteous. She knew what she was doing when she grouped him with Beomgyu as roommates. But she guessed he got to know something hidden and forbidden, which he wasn't supposed to. Was he expelled or did he run away to save his life? Rosemary hoped it wasn't the later since being in the same town as them would endanger his life.

"He was a good guy." Beomgyu sighed.

"I agree, he even readily helped us with our chores." Rosemary smiled nonetheless, freeing the worry from the back of her mind. "And I bet he still is," she added.

"Can I ask you a question, Rosemary?" Beomgyu asked.

"Hmm?" She hummed.

"What was the actual reason for me being so hated here? Me being a loner wasn't it, right?" Beomgyu pressed on as he noticed Rosemary tensing up.

"Who told you that..?" Her voice was so thin that it almost sounded like a whisper.

"Just because." Beomgyu shrugged. He didn't know if he could tell Wooyoung's name or not,, so he decided not to.

"Nevermind, I'll just go and help with the dishes." Beomgyu scurried away before Rosemary could open her mouth.

"Is it time... for you to know, already?"


Hi!! I am in such a good mood today since our family planned to go to a trip soon! It's been two years since we went out and I can't wait till the day we depart 😭❤
Wishing you all good health and happiness. Please take care of yourselves ✨

I was hyperventilating the whole time and bias wrecked 94489473939 times 😭😭

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