Hanji's POV in the Military

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"NO. WAY!" Hanji's father yelled across the dinner table.

"Dad, please. For Levi's sake. He always wanted to be in the military and it ended up being my dream too.  We can explore beyond the walls, and then maybe view the sunset, and you know-,"

"Get devoured by a Titan," Her dad finished her sentence.

Hanji groaned, "We're strong."

"That's what they all said. Later they lived the rest of their lives inside the belly of a Titan. Is that what you want?!"

"Dad. Trust me. I can do this. I will make the top ten in the Cadet Corps and then we could decide together what branch I would join," She lied. She would definitely join the Scout Regiment with Levi.

Her father sighed, "Alright. Have at it. Don't die, sweetie."

Hey everyone, admin here!
I'm sorry these parts are getting sooo small. I have school stuff and an anime convention that is tomorrow that my friend and I are going to and I'm still planning some stuff.
Enough of me, I hope you are enjoying the story! Please vote and review.
Ciao for now,

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