Just One Drink...

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A/N: 2K+ reads?! Thanks so much my fellow readers!! This is kind of like a filler chapter since I'm getting so much writer's block and I don't want this story, the best one I've made yet, to fall slowly like other ones I've written... and deleted. But anyways, enjoy this next part!

Trigger warning: Alcohol

After one expedition after the next, the Survey Corps wasn't getting anywhere close to finding the true identity of those Titans. The Corps had one way to cram that issue right into the back of their brains: Alcohol.

Levi never drank. Ever. He didn't see the point; it screws up your brain and health so why even drink that shit in the first place? He tried persuading his own squad to not drink it for their own good and strength, but he failed. Horribly. The group of four people he worked with found drinking several glasses of wine at night pleasing. It took their worries away, their fear of being devoured by giants, and pretty much everything else. If the love of their life rejected them, there goes at least two bottles of whiskey down their hatch. But the ultimate thing that almost stopped his heart...

was when Hanji tried her first drink.

The ravenette tried to keep his cool, but a tiny voice in his mind kept nagging him to make her stop. He always thought of Hanji as the girl who couldn't hold her alcohol, she already was too crazy for him,

and his heart.

Levi's heart would flutter and his stomach would do twists and turns whenever he saw the woman. She was just so beautiful. These little games that his feelings would play on him would also come to haunt him in his dreams too, and some of those dreams would turn into nightmares of her huge sense of curiosity coming back to bite her in the ass by a captured Titan leaning in and biting her head off.

"Oi, Leviiii!" Hanji exclaimed as she stumbled into his office again for the fifth time today. Except this time, her voice was a little off...

"What do you want shitty-" he looked over at her from his paperwork. The brunette's hair was messier than normal, her face was red as if she were blushing hard, her glasses askew, and she was smiling a mischievous smile that he had never seen before. "Oh no," Levi looked at her again, this time slightly terrified. Hanji had never been drunk in front of Levi until now because she was always a light drinker. She either had been peer-pressured to drink more, or of course, one or more of the test Titans were killed during her studying time.

"I'm such a failure!" she cried out and burst into tears. The brunette downed the rest of a whiskey bottle and chucked it on the ground, sending broken glass shards everywhere on the wooden floor.

"Hanji calm-"

"NO! I killed two valuable test Titans that soldiers risked their lives to catch! A-And there's nothin I can do about it because I'm such an idiot!" she sobbed. She was now leaning onto Levi's shoulders crying on him. "Hanji, I don't want your snot all over my clean shirt." the ravenette groaned and picked her up and set her on his bed.

"Leviiiii!" the drunk woman shouted.

"What do you want?!" Levi was now a tad-bit annoyed by now. He wanted to finish his work in peace before his four-eyes chick came in to bother him.

"I reeeeallllyy like youuuu." she moaned, stretching out the words. Levi blushed hard; she could just be saying that because she's drunk off her ass and she won't remember a single word after tonight. The shorter man had some thoughts about what to do with her that night, since they were alone, but that may be too much.

"Bullshit," Levi snapped at her, "I dooo. I loooove yaaa!!" Hanji kicked her legs in the air and rolled backwards and forwards repeatedly.

"I think you need to lay down and sleep because now you're just saying crap." Levi sighed and held her down so she can't move. Hanji blushed more and made a kissy face before she passed out.


Hanji woke up to the shining sun through the window. It took her only a few moments to realize that the bed she was in wasn't hers. "H-Huh?" she muttered and sat up. Hanji felt the right side of the bed sheets over her legs slowly rise and fall. She looked to her right and saw Levi dead asleep facing away from her. After looking at him for a long period of time, she felt her head pound and her vision spinning as if she were dizzy; this was the beginning of her hangover. The woman knew that putting her glasses back on would make her feel more nauseous so she just left them on the nightstand where they were currently sitting. She got out of bed carefully trying not to wake up the shorter man beside her, but he groans. "Four-eyes?" Levi asked with sleep caked in his voice. He was rubbing his eyes and sitting up. The bed sheet slipped down, and Levi's front revealed.

"AAAAHHHHH!!! YOU HAVE SUCH NICE ABS!!!" Hanji screamed and blushed a dark red.

"Thank you, I earned them from all my work." he said in his usual blank voice but you could still see his face turning red.  "W-Well then..."


Hanji was up and ready for another day of work after being sick for about two hours after her hangover started.

...But of course to her luck, the day she was peppy was the day Erwin plopped a stack on documents for her to read regarding the next expedition on her desk. This dropped her mood to a level lower than the ground.

"I swear I will rip those damn eyebrows off your face, Erwin," she muttered to herself as she began working.


A/N: Hello everyone! I am back and I wasn't dead! I am, in fact, very much alive (see what I did there?) Anyways, school is the devil and right now after I publish this part working on my new fanfiction, "Family Sticks Together Like Glue: An Eremin Fanfiction." It has well over 1K words, and the first part will be a nice, juicy introduction.

See you later!


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