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It has been hours and Hanji was still crying her eyes out.

"Hanji, I swear to Wall Maria that making sure Kenny gets what he deserves is my top priority. My uncle is an asshole, always was, and always will be. He may have raised me to be the strongest, but I'm done with him. Killing your mother was an unforgivable thing to do." Levi said and rubbed her back gently. Secretly, he cried too. He told Hanji that he had to grab something, but he lied and ran to his room to let it all out but Mike caught him. Currently, the mustached man is unconscious in Levi's room.

"W-Why w-would h-h-he do s-something like that?!" she managed to say, "He d-didn't even know h-her!"

"Hanji, I got over my mom's death about a day after it happened. You should drop it because you'll just cry more and people look like shit when they cry." That was Levi's personal way of saying 'It breaks my heart to see you like this, I want you to stop talking about it for a while and get yourself together.'

The brunette wiped her tears away instantly and sniffled, "Y-You're right." her voice was still very shaky but it was better than usual.  She got comfortable in her bed and stared at the ceiling.

"This world is cruel, yet beautiful." she muttered and heaved a long sigh.

Levi looked at her and smirked. He settled down next to her and stared at the ceiling with her.

"It is. It really is. You know, Hanji. When all these Titans are gone, how about we go see this ocean you speak of?" Hanji looked at him, her eyes filled with happiness, "Really? You really would want to?"

"Anything for you. You've been there for me my whole life. We should one day go back home and go see the Tree."

"It's covered with Titans." she replied.

"When we one day retake Wall Maria we'll go. How's that for you, four-eyes?" Levi's heart was racing a mile a minute and his mind was racing with thoughts about Hanji.

"Sounds good, shortie." Hanji smiled and glanced at him. She sighed again and looked up at the ceiling. It was a creamy color that made her feel satisfied. Whenever she was stressed, she'd look up at the cream colored ceiling and all her stress would go away.



"When will the Titans go away?"

"I don't know. But I have a feeling it's soon." he said.

"Hey, remember when you came to my house and we looked through my dad's books and we saw pictures of our ancestor's town? It was called something like... France?"

"Yes I remember. And yes, we're both French." he said and looked at her. Levi and Hanji always had funny voices compared to everyone else. It was because their childhood communities were ones that had French ancestors, so when they learned to speak, they had slight accents.  (A/N: Yes, Levi and Hanji are actually both French.).

"When the Titans go away, do you think we can go to France?" she asked him. Hanji crawled closer to him until they were about a foot apart.

He just still faced the ceiling with his hands resting behind his head, "We can try." he looked at her and gave her a grin.

Levi turned toward her on his side and crawled closer and closer to her until....

Their lips touched.

He was.. kissing Hanji.

It felt so magical to the both of them. Like a huge hole in their hearts had been out in the open until now. The holes in their hearts were the horrible things in their lives, and they were now gone because Levi and Hanji had each other's backs.

When he pulled away, his face was redder than ever. Hanji was in a daze.

"Kiss me again, Levi Ackerman. Kiss me." she said and he obeyed.

This kiss was even better than the first. It was more passionate.

"Je vous aime , Hanji Zoe."

A LeviHan TaleWhere stories live. Discover now