A Nightmare Can Lead to a Lot

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A Nightmare Can Lead to a Lot:


Hanji walked down the hallway of her house. "Mommy! I'm hungry and there's nothing to eat!" she whined. It was late morning/early afternoon and the small child hadn't eaten anything yet. Hanji spent her time running around with her neighbors and playing with the animals outside.

"Mommy! I need something to eat!" she exclaimed again after receiving no response the first time. There was still no sound coming from her mother's room.

I'm going to see her, she thought to herself. I've lost my patience.

Her tiny legs jumped on the wooden staircase softly, but the wood was decades old so it creaked loudly. When she finally made it upstairs, she walked over to her mother's room.

"Mom? Are you okay?"

No response.

"I'm coming in..." Hanji muttered and opened the door slowly. The wood, again, creaked for a second time as the door opened for her.

"Mom? MOM!" she screamed.
There was her mother, in a pool of her own blood, lying unconscious, but most likely dead on the floor. A tiny slit was marked on the woman's neck showing that a knife was driven into her skin by someone.

"MOMMY!" Hanji yelled one last time before she could feel herself getting pulled from a thousand miles away...


"MOM!" Hanji shouted as she pulled herself into a sitting position in her bed. Her breathing was far from even and her whole body, not to mention her sheets, were drenched in a pool of sweat. This was her first nightmare she had ever since her mom was actually murdered.

"Holy Wall Maria." She muttered to herself as her eyes adjusted to the darkness.

The brunette heard rushing footsteps outside her room. But she wasn't fully aware of things and was still in her dream, so she thought it was the murderer. Hanji closed her eyes tightly as the door slammed open with a BANG which made the woman whimper.

"Hanji!" A familiar voice exclaimed that Hanji identified as Levi's. She exhaled in relief.

"Sorry. Just a bad dream." Hanji mumbled and leaned on the bedpost.

"Don't give me that shit." He said and before she knew it, Levi was in the bed with her. He didn't seem to care that the sheets were all wet from her sweating and he crawled closer to her.

Hanji turned beet red, "What are you doing?" She asked as he cradled her in his arms. "I'm okay."

"I don't think you are, shit face. Your breathing is all screwed up like Erwin's constipation." Hanji giggled which made the shorter man blush, "What? Did I ever tell you that he notifies when he's regular and when he's not?" Hanji just laughed some more and soon enough, the nightmare slowly went away from her brain.

Levi slightly grinned as he held her longer before the brunette dozed off into a world of pleasant dreams.

Hey guys!
Sorry for not updating! School has ruined me but I will not abandon this story!
I hope you enjoyed this!

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