She Couldn't Believe It...

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Hanji was drop dead stunned.

Levi? Laughing?

She didn't give two shits about the rest of the class making fun of her. She was happy to see Levi smiling and laughing again.

"LEVI!" she yelled hanging upside down.

He immediately stopped. She frowned.

The class looked at him. He had a hot red face and he looked like he was about to cry.

He hid his face and ran away at about the speed of a cheetah.

"L-Levi?" her voice grew weak. Her heart gave her the urge to run after him.

"GET ME OFF THIS PIECE OF CRAP!" she screamed. A tear rolled down her cheek, but fell right off her face. "AND GET ME UPRIGHT!"

Two students flipped her back in a right-side-up position and unhooked her belts from the two poles that kept her hanging.

Once she got down, she ran in Levi's direction, but he was so fast that she got lost at where he went.

She checked the bathroom. Not there.

The mess hall. Not there.

The closet. Nope. The same went to the commander's office.

Hanji walked up to a door she was forbidden to enter.

The boy's dorm.

Everyone's training right now... she thought to herself, Maybe just a quick peek wouldn't kill me.

She sighed and opened the door. There was complete silence, except for soft breathing.

Hanji saw the a bump in the bottom bunk of bed number 2.

Levi's bed?

She tiptoed over to it. Underneath some blankets was a mop of jet black hair. She put her hand on the pillow. It was damp.

Maybe he cried himself to sleep?

"I'm sorry." she whispered to the sleeping child and crawled inside the covers with him.

She didn't mean to doze off, but, she did.


Guys, I'm SO sorry I haven't been updating!


Until then, I would be more active since right now, I'm taking end-of-the-year tests.

Love y'all!


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