A New Chapter

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"A whole new world

A new fantastic point of view

No one to tell us 'No'

Or where to go

Or say we're only dreaming."


Today, something incredible happened, and I don't think science is going to be able to explain it.

On this day, two years after Levi and I started dating, he proposed.

-Levi *earlier*-

"When are you going to ask her to marry her?" Eren asked him during lunch break.

The raven-haired man kept a blank expression on the outside, but on the inside, he was having an anxiety attack, "Why, is she waiting for me to?"

Eren laughed, "No, sir. I'm just curious because it has only been like what? Two years!"

The captain began to feel flustered because of the green-eyes boy, "Hmm, I will think about it, but for now, fuck off." After hearing this, Eren got up and winked.


"Do you know where I can buy a fucking engagement ring?" Levi asked his boss.

Erwin's raised his bushy eyebrows, "Are you finally going to propose to Miss Zoe?"

He sighed, "I thought about it for a while and I decided that I think she is the one I want to spend the rest of my life with. I want to wake up to her beautiful brown eyes looking straight at mine, I want her to annoy me until the day I die, I just want her all to myself, I won't need to be jealous anymore because I will officially know that I have that crazy ass bitch all to myself." After saying those words, the short-statured man took a couple deep breaths; those were the most emotional words he has ever said.

"Hey, you are a step ahead! It seems like you already wrote your vows!" Erwin teased.

"Shut the hell up and take me to a jeweler." Levi commanded.

"Will do!"


Despite the fact that that little ring cost him an arm and a leg (not literally), he would do anything for his special woman.

Now came his time to let the other members of the Survey Corps know that he was about to propose to Hanji that day. You see, at the Survey Corps, men wanted to propose to their love immediately, because they don't know when a Titan would want to have them for a little snack during an expedition.

So the captain called for a secret meeting with everyone (except Hanji, obviously). They gathered around in his office while Hanji was outside doing studies for hours and hours. His plan was to, when Hanji gets back, surprise her. Levi would hide behind the crowd, and once Hanji asked about where he was, he would step through the crowd, get on one knee, and present the ring and ask the big question.

All the Corps members squealed with joy: They were finally going to expand their relationship! The ones who have been there with Hanji and Levi since day one were not surprised. They even whispered to each other, "About damn time, it's been what? DECADES?!"

When the hushed whispering turned into yelling, Levi stood on his desk so everyone can see him, "ALRIGHT EVERYONE SHUT THEIR MOUTHS AND LET'S DO THIS!!"


"Where the heck did I put my key to the door??" Hanji asked herself as she walked up the stone stairs from the lab to the mess hall. She rummaged through her bag until she came across a shiny bronze key, "There it is! I'm starving and need to get food asap!"

Hanji, as usual, struggled with getting the key inside the lock. Even though she wears a pair of strong-prescription glasses (plus the extra prescription that the commander added when she was a teen so she won't be horrified when she sees a Titan anymore), she was still a little blind in her mind when it came to shapes.

When she finally unlocked the door, she ran into a slew of her colleagues formed into a semi circle. "SURPRISEE!!!!" They all screamed.

The brunette jumped backwards, "What the-? It isn't my birthday!" she gasped, her right hand over her chest.

"We know, but we made up a holiday called Hanji Appreciation Day!" one of her friends cheered.

"Awww, why thank you guys so much!" For a few moments, she inspected the room and couldn't find her boyfriend. "Where is Levi? He should at least show up on my appreciation day!"

The semi-circle split in half and made way for Levi. "Actually," he said, "I did." He reached his right hand into his pocket and pulled out a small and soft box. The ravenette got down on his right knee, looked straight into Hanji's eyes and said, "I appreciate you more than everyone does in this room combined. Now, Hanji Zoe, will you make me the happiest man in these walls and marry me?"

The crowed squealed, and the woman with glasses was in tears.

"Levi, I... I.... YES! YES I WILL MARRY YOU!"

The shorter man grabbed her left hand and slid on the shiny ring. When he stood on his feet, Hanji pulled him into the biggest hug in history and gave him kisses all over his face. Usually, Levi thought kisses were disgusting and unsanitary, but in this case, Hanji was an exception. 



I would like to thank all of you on Wattpad who stood with me until the very end of this story even though I was a very slow updater! I have another story in mind that I want to begin writing; it isn't a fanfic but it is my own idea and I hope it thrives.

Thanks again,


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