Out of Denial

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Chapter Ten

How come every time my friends pick me up from my house I end up in the woods of Beacon Hills? Only this time I was accompanied by Allison and Lydia. Allison said she found out some things about her family and wanted to try something out. So me being the great friend I am, agreed to come with. 

"So I woke up this morning and I noticed my necklace was gone, I literally searched everywhere. And when I went down to look in my car my Aunt and Dad were talking about telling me something about our family, but my dad got mad and stormed off." Allison explained as we walked deeper into the woods. 

"That's weird that it just went missing like that." Lydia spoke up, me on the other hand, just decided to keep my mouth shut considering I knew exactly why she didn't have it.

"Yeah, and ya know...after I told my aunt that I didn't want to feel weak anymore and I wanted her to help me out, she was acting all strange and said she would show me how to be stronger with time." she paused and came to a stop. "But today....she left this–" She held up and arrowhead and spun it around in her fingers, "I have an idea that this isn't just a normal arrow. It's like she wanted me to find it." she said as she examined the arrow head. 

"Can we just hurry up and leave, Allison? When you told me you needed to stop for an errand before we went shopping a five mile hike in the woods wasn't what I was expecting." Lydia complained. 

Allison flung herself around and faced Lydia, "No, we can't just leave. Oh, and Lydia...Before I forget, I wanted to ask you if you were okay with something. Jackson asked me to go to the Winter formal with him." My eyes widened as I processed the words that had just come out of her mouth. 

"Well that was random." I mumbled. "Are you going with him?" I asked her. 

"You should." Lydia spoke up before Allison could answer my question, I quickly looked at my sister. I know she didn't mean what she was saying, but she wanted to pretend that she wasn't affected by getting dumped by the co-captain of the lacrosse team. Why would Allison consider going with him in the first place? "You should have a date for your first dance here, and since he's the one that asked...go ahead." She shrugged. 

"Look, I haven't given him an answer....and it's just as friends, of course. I just can't go with Scott and then he asked." She glanced down and started messing with her bow. "I just wanted to make sure you were okay with it." 

"As long as it's just as friends." 

Allison nodded, "Anyways...let's see what this arrow does..." She quickly changed the subject. 

I stood there with my arms crossed over my chest as Allison placed the arrow on her bow. Just like a pro she shot the arrow and it collided with the tree bursting into flames. I watched as she took a step back, her eyes widening. Yup, this was definitely an Argent arrow. 

"Was that supposed to happen?" Lydia asked. 

"I guess so..." Allison shrugged, "I've done archery for years and have never seen anything like this before.." She walked towards the tree examining the spot she had just hit. 

Lydia let out a groan, "Well, that was fun! Any more lethal weapons you wanna try out?" 

Allison ignored Lydia's question as we began walking closer to the tree. Right as I was about to say something to Allison, I heard something in the distance. "Guys...did you here that?" I whispered. Both girls nodded.

"Stay here..." Allison whispered handing Lydia her bow.

My eyebrows furrowed, "Woah, where are you going?" 

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