The claws are out

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Chapter Twenty Seven


"You were almost late Miss Martin," Harris said, his piercing eyes staring at me over his glasses.

I walked into the library pulling Stiles behind me, Harris shutting the door behind us. "You know me better than that, Mr. Harris." I said with a fake smile. I looked around, everybody was just awkwardly standing around, no one taking a seat yet.

"Mr. Harris, we can't be in detention together. I have a restraining order against these tools." Jackson spat, taking a seat at one of the tables.

Harris looked towards Jackson, raising an eyebrow. "All of these tools?"

"No.. just us tools," Stiles said, pointing between him and Scott.

Harris rolled his eyes, letting out a sigh of annoyance. "Fine, you two over there." He said pointing to one of the tables a few down from Jackson.

I started to walk with them, until Harris' ear piercing voice interrupted me. "Not so fast Autumn, this is detention...not best friend social hour. Take a seat next to Erica please. "Seriously?" I deadpanned.

A smirk formed on his lips, "Yes, seriously Miss Martin....I know you two have your issues. Maybe you can use this time to rekindle the friendship. Now sit."

"Rekindle the friendship? Excuse me Mr. Harris but there never was–"

"Sit now!" He ordered.

I groaned, loud enough for everyone to be able to here and sat as far away at the table from Erica as I possibly could.

bzzzz bzzzzz bzzzzzzzzz

I looked down at my phone to find a text from Stiles, I glanced up and found him staring at me waiting impatiently for me to read the text.

She knows something about Jackson's parents that we don't know, you need to talk to her....

I shot him a nasty look before sending a message back. Are you insane?! I refuse to talk to this horrendous mutt.

He rolled his eyes at me, and pursed his lips. I could see his hands going crazy over his keyboard all the way from my seat. Moments passed but there was still no message received. I assume he figured out that arguing with me would end up in him losing anyways, so he decided to give up as he should. 

Wait, scratch need to come over here.

I shot him a look of confusion, but the look I received back was one of urgency. I stood up from my seat and made my way over to Mr. Harris. "Um, Mr. Harris..."

He pulled his eyes away from the book he was reading, and moved his glasses to the tip of his nose. "Yes Miss Martin? Just a reminder, the voices of you pesky hormonal teenagers tend to drive me to unless you want to find yourself in detention with me again tomorrow I suggest you make this conversation fast and painless."

"Deal. Look Mr. Harris, I need to talk to Stiles and Scott about something really quick it's urgent, I promise it won't be long I–"

He held his hand up, shutting his eyes tightly. "Can't believe I'm going to say this, but if I let you go for a few moments will you stop talking to me? You're one of the students I despise less, don't ruin that."

I nodded quickly, "Yes, sir."

"Go. But only for a few minutes, and I mean it."

I didn't hesitate to rush over to the table Harris had assigned to the boys. "Okay, what? I only have a few minutes...."

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