The Perfect Combination

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Chapter Seventeen


I stood staring at the tall rock climbing wall in front of me, while Allison ranted about how she was tied to a chair by her father, and she had to figure out a way to escape.

"So after sitting there for an hour and a half, it dawned on me that I could use my arrow and cut my way out, so that took me almost an hour to finally free myself."

I chuckled, "Sounds like fantastic Father, daughter bonding."

"Allison, Scott...You're up!!" Finstock yelled from underneath the wall.

"Good luck." I said as Allison walked to the wall of death.

I crossed my arms and sighed as Stiles walked up to me. "Are you really this scared of the wall?" He asked smirking.

I gave him a glare, "No, I know I can climb it...."

I was blessed with some athletic abilities, more than Lydia at least. Lydia having just gotten out of the hospital got out of climbing the wall, and was spending this period sitting in a chair on her phone. I have just never been a fan of climbing high walls, and putting all my trust on a little rope to save me from falling to my death. Stiles tugged on my shirt and pulled me closer to him. I sent him a smirk, but quickly turned towards the wall when everybody started laughing. Scott was hanging by the harness, glaring at Allison.

Coach Finstock was laughing his head off, "McCall, I don't know why...but your pain gives me a special kind of joy." He took a look at his clipboard and then his eyes met mine. "Autumn and-" He looked around the room, please say Stiles..."Stilinski, You're up!"

I let out a sigh of relief, "Thank God." Stiles let out a laugh and we walked over to the wall. I grabbed the harness and watched as Stiles buckled his.

"I bet I can climb the wall faster than you." He taunted. "Yeah? Well I bet you can....but for your best interest I would advise you to take it nice and slow." I smirked, sending him a wink. I could see him gulp and he turned towards the wall.

I finally reached the top of the stupid wall and made my way down to the mat, Stiles following right behind me.

"Good work Autumn! I love watching Stilinski get his butt beat by a girl!" I let out a laugh and handed the harness to Coach. Stiles had one of his famous looks on his face, but chose the route of not saying anything.

"Alright Erica and Boyd, you're up!" Coach yelled.

I watched Erica as she cautiously made her way towards the wall. Boyd was already harnessed up and ready to go. She finally got her harness on and made it up a few of the rocks, then coming to a complete stop. I turned to Stiles and he sent me a look back in return. When I turned back towards her I noticed her hands starting to shake, and she didn't look good at all. Obviously it wasn't just Stiles and I that noticed, cause Coach was looking at her pretty frazzled.

"Erica? You okay? Are you dizzy? Is it Vertigo?" Coach yelled up to her.

Lydia walked over to the wall and let out a sigh of annoyance, "Vertigo is a dysfunction of the vestibular system of the inner ear. She's just freaking out." She said motioning towards Erica.

"Erica." Coach yelled again.

"I'm f-fine." Erica said, finally responding.

"You know Coach, maybe it's not safe for her to be up there. You know she's epileptic...don't you?"

From the way his eyes widened at my statement, I knew he had no idea. "Why doesn't anybody tell me this stuff?!" He frantically asked, He made his way closer to the wall. "Erica, You're fine...Just uh...Just kick off the wall! There's a mat to catch you!"

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