Panic! at the Police Station

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Chapter Thirty Three (No Air by Jordan Sparks and Chris brown may or may not have been stuck in my head while writing this chapter...and the awesome title is by @blackveilfangirl )


Matts hand moved forward gripping a large chunk of my shirt in his hands, while the other hand pushed the gun to the back of my skull. I could see Stiles in the corner of my eye, his eyes locked on the gun not even allowing himself to blink. His bottom lip was trembling, and I could see his chest moving rapidly up and down. I took in all the small details of Stiles that I could get in this small glance, just in case this was the last look I would ever get of him. My life was in the hands of a psychotic murderer, so the odds weren't really in my favor.

"Let's go you two, now" Matt demanded, flipping my body around. "You first Stilinski."

I looked at Stiles, now getting a better look than the small glance I had gotten just moments before. I could tell he was fighting back his words, but he knew that one tiny sound could get the trigger pulled, so all he did was obey the demands. Matt began pushing me in the direction of Sheriff's old office, following closely behind Stiles. My boyfriend walked slowly, still managing to steal a few glances in my direction. Stiles entered the office, but as my feet got closer to the door Matt brought my walk to a halt. I could feel his breath on the back of my neck, as his grip tightened on my shirt. "Listen here Autumn, you're a very gorgeous girl, almost as beautiful as that best friend of yours. I would really hate to bring your fantastic life to an end, but trust me...I will....Or, you know maybe even Jackson can do that for me..."

"Jackson won't hurt me, I know he won't." I said through my clenched teeth.

Matt scoffed behind me, his lips tracing over the back of my neck. I could feel the chills take over, my body trembling in terror. "He will do whatever I tell him to, don't try to tell yourself otherwise." And with that I was being shoved into the office, falling to my knees from the force.

Stiles rushed over to me, pulling me onto my feet and into his chest as tightly as he could get his arms around me. Sheriff stood up slowly from his desk with hands in the air, his eyes glancing from me to the psychopath clutching the gun. "Matt? It's Matt, right?" Sheriff asked, Matt replied with a nod. "Matt, whatever's going on, I guarantee you there's a solution that doesn't involve a gun."

"You know, it's funny you say that, because I don't think you're aware of just how right you are."

"I know you don't wanna hurt people."

Matt furrowed his eyebrows at Sheriff's statement, "Actually, I wanna hurt a lot of people. You four weren't on my list, but I could be persuaded. And one way is to try dialing somebody on your cellphone, like McCall is doing." Matt said, eyeballing my best friend. I jerked my head towards him in time to find him yanking his hand out of his pocket. "Now that–that could definitely get someone hurt...everyone." He added, motioning the gun in the direction of us all. "Now!"

We all looked towards sheriff, "Come on," He advised us as he pulled his cellphone out of his pocket, placing it right on the desk then returning his hands to their position in the air. Scott, Stiles, and I glanced at each other before placing our phones next to Sheriff's. My heart was pounding in my chest as my anxiety began to rise. Who would have thought we would be held hostage in a Sheriff's station.


Matt decided to move the party from the office, to one of the holding cells. Ironically the same one Isaac was kept in when he was first inducted into the creature of the night club. I assume Matt still felt somewhat threatened by Sheriff, so he wanted him locked up just to make sure whatever plan he had went as smoothly as possible. Sheriff was seated on one of the benches that were located in front of a wall with a single pair of handcuffs dangling from a chain, as Stiles clicked his father into them. Matt had a gun pointed directly at my boyfriend, which only caused my anxiety to rise even more than it already was.

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