Watch your back Gerard

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Chapter Thirty Six


"I got to meet with the medical examiner and try to figure out what happened with Jackson. I've got an APB out on Stiles. His jeep is still in the parking lot, so that means...You know what, I don't know what that means." Sheriff said, shaking his head in frustration. I could see the tears beginning to brim his eyes, just like mine were. "Um, look...if he answers his phone, if he answers his emails, if any of you see him-"

"We'll call you,"

I glanced towards Isaac, then turned my attention back to Sheriff, "Yeah, we'll call you the minute we hear something..."

I could feel a single tear race down my cheek, but I didn't really care if people would see me cry at this point, I'm worried out of my mind. Sheriff placed a hand on my shoulder, pulling me close to his side for comfort.

"Look, he's probably just freaked out from all the attention or something. We'll find him." Scott said, determination filling his words.

Sheriff nodded lightly, "Yeah. Well, I'll see you. Okay?" he said, giving my shoulder a squeeze before walking out of the locker room door.

I crossed my arms tightly over my chest, "We have to find him...And what's with that crap about him hiding from the attention, Scott? You know good and well that, that isn't the case here."

"I had to say something, Autumn."

"Alright, come on guys. Now isn't the time to start bickering." Isaac spoke up.

"McCall, over here for a minute please." Coach yelled from the door of his office.

Scott walked slowly towards the office, so I turned my attention to Isaac. "Why are you helping us? Why are you being so nice?"

He let out a small sigh, and walked a little closer to me. "I trust Scott, and I wanna help him..."

"You're just doing all of this for Scott?"

Of course he's just doing this for Scott, he doesn't care about Stiles or myself. He wants Scott as a back up in case something happens with Derek. Before he could even respond Scott walked out of the office and made his way back over to where we were standing.

"Sorry guys, coach wanted to talk about my grades really quick...So, is that everyone?" Scott asked, taking a look around the locker room.

Isaac glanced around the room, "I think so."

I turned around to double check that everyone was gone, until the sound of metal crashing onto the ground grabbed my attention. I looked down to find one of the locker doors ripped off the hinges, lying at my feet. "I'm gonna assume that's Stiles' locker?"

Scott nodded, "No Autumn, I'm just ripping locker doors off for fun..."

I rolled my eyes, "Let Stiles handle the sarcasm McCall."

"You're gonna find him by scent?" Isaac asked as Scott pulled out a t-shirt.

Scott nodded in reply, "Yeah, we both are." He said, tossing Isaac one of my boyfriends shoes.

"But how come you get his shirt and I get a shoe?"

I chuckled at the thought of Isaac having to dig his snout into an old pair of my boyfriends sneakers. And let me tell you, they have an extremely distinct smell. Pretty pungent if you ask me...I glanced around the locker room, until something came into my view through the mirror. I flipped my body around coming face to face with none other than, Mr. Sour Wolf. How does he always show up at the worst times?! "Oh hey Derrypoo, did you come to help sniff out my missing boyfriend? Or do we have some more drama to add to our big pot of fun?"

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