Safe in his arms

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Chapter Twenty Five


With the situation that I am in right now, I would rather be saving Derek's butt from some supernatural being, than enduring what is actually happening. Bad, right? I'm currently sitting with my twitchy boyfriend on my left, and Scotty the werewolf on my right, oh but that's not the bad part. We are receiving death glares from not only Mr. Whittemore, but also Mama McCall, and Papa Stilinski. We are royally screwed this time.

I watched as Mr. Whittemore handed over a paper to Sheriff, that he had just finished writing. My stomach was in knots, with the luck we have he was probably going to press charges.

Sheriff squinted his eyes at the writing on the paper and placed his free hand on the side of his head, rubbing his temple. "You will not go within fifty feet of Jackson Whittemore. You will not speak to him. You will not approach him. You will not assault or harass him physically or psychologically." Sheriff's eyes shifted towards me, "This restraining order is only against Stiles and Scott, Autumn you aren't in any kind of trouble."

My eyes widened at his statement, Stiles and Scott mirrored my expression. "Wait-What?" I glanced over at Jackson who was just looking at the ground at this point.

Stiles let out a scoff and tilted his head at his father, "What about School?"

Sheriff let out a heavy sigh, "You can attend classes while attempting to maintain a fifty foot distance."

"Okay, but what if we both have to use the bathroom at the same time and there's only two stalls available and they're right next to each other?" Stiles asked, trying not to smirk at his own words.

That almost smirk was immediately drawn away and replaced with a wince, when my elbow met his rib cage. "I'll just hold it."

"Out in the hallway you three, we're done here-Actually you know what, Stiles you stay. We need to talk." Sheriff said, throwing the clipboard down on the table. Scott and I walked out slowly, hanging our heads. Regardless if the restraining order was against me or not, I had still disappointed Sheriff and Mama McCall.

"Move!" Mama McCall yelled to Scott, pointing her index finger down the hallway.

I crossed my arms over my chest, feeling unbearably uncomfortable since both of them were getting yelled at, and my mom ended up stuck at work. You know that awkward moment when you are at your friends house, and they start getting yelled at right in front of you....yeah well that's me right now times two.

Stiles walked out of the room we were all just in, and strolled right over to where I was standing.

"So does your dad hate me now?" I asked, not really wanting to hear the answer.

"Otto, I'm his son....I partially got yelled at for dragging you into my "stupid idea" which wasn't stupid okay, it held him for awhile."

"Really, Scott? Really? I have to ground you! I'm grounding you! You're grounded!" Mama McCall's voice echoed from the other end where her and Scott were standing. I gabbed Stiles' hand, and dragged him a little closer so we could see what was going on.

"What about work?"

Mama McCall sighed, "Fine. Other than work. And no TV."

"My TV's broken..."

I could see her nostrils start to flare, as she shifted her weight from one leg to the other. "Then no computer," she ordered.

"Mom, I need the computer for school..." Gosh this whole punishment thing for Mama McCall just wasn't working out. It was actually super painful to watch.

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