Peter Hale Strikes again

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Chapter 12


I slipped on my blue heels and grabbed my bag before walking down to meet Isaac. He was waiting downstairs with Stiles while Lydia and I finished getting ready. Do I honestly want to go with Isaac? I mean...he's a friend....and great guy, but he's not Stiles. I took one last look in the mirror, my black strapless dress falling about mid thigh and my blue accessories were a nice pop of color. Lydia popped in my door and I grabbed my bag.

"Ready, love?"

"Yeah, you look beautiful sis." I said.

She sent me a smile, flipping her hair. "Well thank you! You look stunning, Auttie."

"Thank you." I said smiling.

She made her way out of my doorway and I followed her out. We walked downstairs to meet the boys in the living room, and as we approach you could literally cut the tension in here with a knife. Stiles was giving Isaac a lovely glare, while Isaac just tapped his foot nervously on the floor and stared at the ground, completely ignoring my best friend.

"Hey guys." I spoke up, both boys jerked their heads towards me.

"H-Hey Autumn" Isaac said, standing up with a beautiful rose corsage in his hand.

"Hey" I said sending him a smile making my way over to him.

"Woah...uh...Autumn, you look amazing." Stiles spoke up. Lydia cleared her throat grabbing his attention, "As do you Lydia, as always."

My mom came into the living room for some pictures and we did all the corsage stuff. I honestly just wanted to get this night over with. Yeah Isaac is a sweetheart, but I don't have the same feelings for him like I do for Stiles. Speaking of that nerd, I'm gonna have to spend my entire night watching him dance with my sister, and that just doesn't sound like a good time to me.


Isaac pulled into the school behind Stiles, and parked right next to Jackson's Porsche. As I glanced over I noticed Allison sitting in the passenger side fixing her eye makeup as Jackson climbed out of the car. She honestly didn't look too thrilled, but I mean, who could blame her? She was stuck with Jackson all night.

 I linked my arm with Isaac as we began walking towards the school. The sound of heels clicking on the ground sounded and before I knew it my free arm was being linked with Allison's, "Hey girl, looking gorgeous!" She said.

I sent her a smile, "Thank you! You do too! I told you that dress was perfect."

Lydia and Stiles came up and stopped next to us. "I agree, the color goes with your skin tone perfectly." There was an awkward silence as my sister turned towards her ex douchebag, "Hi Jackson, you look nice tonight."

He scoffed, "Of course I do." I rolled my eyes and was just about to say something before Stiles pulled me away, leading us away from the group.

"What the heck Stiles?!" I said jerking away from his arm.

"Woah Miss attitude, look–" He said pointing up at the roof of the school. My eyes glanced up and couldn't help but laugh at what came into view. There was my best friend running across the roof, finding a way to get into the dance. I shook my head and smiled that he was actually going through with his plan, I mean if he gets's gonna be pretty hilarious, not gonna lie. 

"We'll see if his plan actually works." I muttered before making my way back over to Isaac who was waiting patiently for me. "Sorry, he just pulled me away and–"

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