The Code

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Chapter 13


I stood up slowly as my mom ran over to me examining my body from head to toe. "Mom, I'm fine. It's just Lydia." I said. She wiped some tears that had fallen from her eyes, and pulled me into a hug. "I tried to save her mom. I was too slow. I-"

"Shh sweetheart." She cut me off rubbing the back of my head gently, "Sheriff Stilinksi explained what happened on the phone. She was attacked by an animal, a very vicious one, and who knows what it could have done to you too." She pulled out of the hug still holding onto my shoulders, "Don't blame yourself for this, you couldn't stop it. I'm just glad you're are okay. Now I need to talk to the doctors, but I will be right back. " She said as her eyes began to water more, she dropped her hands and walked right into Lydia's room.


"Don't talk to me." I said, cutting my father off.

"You can't ignore me forever." He stated, "I'm your father."

I scoffed at him and crossed my arms, "Wanna bet?" And with that I left him standing there alone, and made my way to the window in front of Lydia's room.


As of right now only my mom and dad were the ones allowed in Lydia's room, and only one of them at a time. I watched through the window as her body kept going in and out of shock, Dr.'s scrambling all around her. She wasn't healing like Scott did, that must mean the bite is having the opposite effect on her. I honestly think I've cried out all the tears my body could produce, I felt like crying but I just couldn't. And to make matters worse I still hadn't heard anything from Stiles, which raised my anxiety drastically. I had my phone gripped tightly in my hand waiting for any kind of message from him, but instead it was just everyone texting me about Lydia. I appreciate their concern, but the only person I wanna hear from right now is Stiles.

"Sweetie, do you want anything to eat? Drink?" My mom asked from behind me. I slowly shook my head not taking my eyes off my helpless sister. I heard her sigh and the heels of her shoes clicked away down the hall. My dad sat there in her room keeping his head in his hands, not really looking at her. They had decently cleaned her up since we had gotten here, there was less blood covering her than before. The machines continued to beep and her chest slowly moved up and down, letting us know she was still hanging on. Why did Peter have to do this to her? Why Lydia? 

"You know, it's a good thing we're in a hospital because I'm going to kill you." I heard Sheriff Stilinski whisper, not as quiet as he thought he did. I quickly turned around and saw Stiles standing in front of his father. I let out a sigh of relief, I didn't care if he was being lectured to or not, I still ran over to him and jumped into his arms. Papa Stilinski backed up a bit putting his lecture on hold, and Stiles gripped onto my waist pulling me close to him. I never wanted him to let go.

"Thank God you're okay." I mumbled into his shoulder, gripping onto him as tight as I could. I guess my body was saving up some tears for when he showed up, 'cause they were now rolling down my cheeks.

"I told you I would be okay." He whispered into my head, slowly rubbing his hand up and down my back. In this moment, being in his arms made me feel a little better, and only he was capable of that. We stayed like that for what felt like forever, until he began to pull away. He looked into my eyes and wiped the recently fallen tears off of my cheeks. 

I heard Sheriff clear his throat and took a step back, he obviously wanted to finish the discussion that I had interrupted. Stiles pulled me back and placed an arm around my waist, so I rested my head on his shoulder and prepared to hear whatever needed to be said. "Whatever needs to be said, can be said in front of her. Look, I had to walk all the way here...I can't find the keys to my jeep and–"

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