You're My Friend

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3rd POV

The next day RWY head to the hospital room with Blake walking behind them.

Blake: "Where're we going?"

Yang: "You'll see."

They walk a little ways before seeing Ozpin.

Ozpin: "Team RWBY."

Ruby: "Hello professor Ozpin."

Ozpin: "You girls are just in time."

Blake: "Okay, what's going on guys?"

Ozpin opens the door letting everyone into the room. The second Blake enters the room her eyes widen seeing a still passed out Y/N.

Blake: "Y/N!!!"

She runs to him as her teammates join her.

Blake: "When and how'd you find him?"

Weiss: "We found him yesterday after an explosion went off in Vale."

She smiles seeing that he's safe once more.

Yang: "So how is he?"

Ozpin: "The doctor said he suffered a beating. His shoulder got hurt bad but luckily nothing important was damaged, which means he'll be able to use it once he wakes up. It was thought he was paralyzed based on the amount of bruising on his back, but his spine is fully intact. Other than that he's in good shape."

Blake: "Then why's he still out?"

Ozpin: "I suspect it's the result of his week long abuse. The doctor doesn't know when he'll wake up exactly but he suspects it'll be soon."

Over the course of four days Y/N laid in his bed. Through that time Blake sat at the foot of his bed patiently waiting for him to wake up. Since it was still the break she didn't have to worry about classes. She would spend most of the day reading out loud to Y/N hoping he heard her. At night she'd bring back a blanket to sleep in his room.


I groan slightly as my eyes slowly open. When they open I immediately close them as I'm met with bright lights. After letting them adjust I open my eyes to see I'm in a hospital room. Looking around I hear light snoring. I look at my feet to see Blake laying her head down on my bed.

Y/N: "Blake?"

Her ears twitch as she lifts her head up. Her eyes lock with mine as a small tear runs down her cheek. I open my mouth to say something when she pounces onto me making me fall onto the bed.

Y/N: "Blake... still sore."

She immediately lets go making the pain go away.

Y/N: "So uh... how long you've been waiting here?"

Blake: "Nearly a week."

Y/N: "You've been waiting a week for me?"

Blake: "Yeah."

Y/N: "Why?"

Blake: "Because I'm your friend and friends look after each other."

She sighs sitting down. 

Blake: "I saw the White Fang logo on the bullhead and knew they had you. The others told me your history with them. When I heard it I was heart broken. You went through so much pain at their hands. Which is why when they took you I was so terrified. We all spent countless days searching for you and were becoming hopeless when we couldn't find you."

She looks down as tears run down her cheeks.

Blake: "I made a promise to be someone who will make you feel safe, but I failed. Because of that you went through more abuse at the hands of the White Fang. I failed you Y/N, I shouldn't be allowed to be called your friend."

I grab her hand causing her to look at me.

Y/N: "You didn't fail me Blake. I may have gotten taken but I'm back. You and the others spent all this time searching for me. To me that says that you're the best friend I've ever had. I thank Oum that I'm able to call you my friend."

She smiles while wiping away a tear. We look into each others eyes quickly getting lost. We find ourselves getting closer. Our lips get within inches apart when the door opens; we're spooked apart as the doctor walks in.

Doctor: "Was I interrupting something?"

Y/N: "N-No."

Blake: "I was just leaving, see you around Y/N."

She lets go of my hand walking out of the room. Before leaving she looks over her shoulder at me smiling. My cheeks explode into red as she just giggles. 

Doctor: "Looks like someone's in love."

I glare at him before looking to the side. I then think about what the doctor said.

Y/N: "Do I like Blake? And if I do does she like me back?"

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