Vale Confession

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We get down to Vale where I see people setting up decorations. I look around when I see a banner seeing welcome to Vale.

Weiss: "The Vytal Festival, this is gonna be something else."

Ruby: "I've never seen you smile this much Weiss."

Weiss: "Why aren't you smiling? There's gonna be parades, dances, and even a full scale tournament. The amount of planning for something like this enough to make a girl wanna faint."

Yang: "And now tournaments are boring."

Weiss: "Shut up."

Ruby: "What's going on over there?"

We look to see a store that's surrounded by police.

Ruby: "What happened?"

Cop: "Classic stick up. Second shop to be hit this week. Just doesn't make any sense. Why so much dust?"

Detective: "I'm thinking the White Fang."

Cop: "Less thinking more working."

Weiss: "The White Fang, what awful people."

I grit my teeth hearing that name.

Blake: "What's with you?"

Weiss: "I just don't care about criminals."

Blake: "The White Fang is just a collection of misguided Faunus."

I clench my fists, that's a fucking lie.

Weiss: "They wish to wipe humanity from the face of the planet."

Blake: "Then they're very misguided."

Ruby: "We don't know if it even was the White Fang. For all we know it was that Roman guy."

Yang: "Torchwick? I heard they busted him running a major dust smuggling ring."

Ruby: "He could've escaped."

Yang: "If so that's kinda impressive where they had him."

Man: "Stop that stowaway!"

We look to see a male monkey run past us. 

Weiss: "Quick, we must stop him!"

We run after him; as I run I pass the others.

Yang: "What and how?"

Ruby: "How's he so fast?"

He jumps up a building while I hop between two buildings before reaching the top. I jump over two gaps before tackling the monkey across the rooftop. 

Monkey: "How'd you catch up with me!?"

Y/N: "I'm just fast."

Monkey: "So what're you gonna do with me now?"

Y/N: "Why'd you stowaway on the ship?"

Monkey: "Because I don't have the money to take a boat. Have you seen the prices for them?"

Y/N: "I take it it's a lot."

Monkey: "From Vale to Mistral alone is three hundred. And I came all the way from Vacuo."

Y/N: "I now see why you stowed away."

Monkey: "Yeah, not paying outrageous prices for a simple boat ride."

Weiss: *in distance* "Excuse me!?"

Y/N: "This is where we part ways."

I jump down to street level where I see Weiss and Blake walking away arguing. 

Y/N: "What's going on?"

Ruby: "Blake and Weiss are fighting about viewpoints over the White Fang."

Y/N: "This is beyond not good."

Yang: "I think we can all agree on that."

I look behind her to see a girl in a green dress just looking at me.

Y/N: *points* "Who's that?"

Ruby: "Oh that's my new friend Penny."

Y/N: "Hmm. Nice to meet you Penny."

Penny: "It's nice to meet you too. Will you be my friend too?"

Y/N: "Uh... sure?"

She zips to me lifting me into a hug before swinging me from side to side.

Penny: "I have always wanted a male friend. I cannot wait to do whatever it is boy and girl friends do."

I'm set down where I make my way to back to Beacon. That night as I walk around the courtyard I hear Weiss' voice with my superior hearing.

Weiss: "You do realize you're defending a group who's made it known they hate humanity right? The Fang is nothing but pure evil."

Blake: "There isn't such a thing as pure evil. Why do you think they're like that? It's because of people like you."

I look down slightly angry. They are evil. They don't know an ounce of kindness.

Weiss: "Me?"

Blake: "You're discrimination."

Weiss: "I'm a victim. From the day I can remember the White Fang have been at war with my family. War as in actual bloodshed. I've watched family friends disappear, board members be executed. Every night father would come home furious. You can imagine the kind of childhood that gives someone. You wanna know why I hate the White Fang? It's because they only know how to lie, kill and steal!"

Blake: "And who's fault you think it is we're like that!?!"

My eyes widen, no, please let it be false. I replay what she said in my head, she admitted it. The person who managed to break down my walls works for the group responsible for causing me three years of hell. I shake my head before running to my dorm.

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