Chapter 1

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* The real story begins from next chapter.... This is more like what happened in the past *

                                                        The country of Lenora is a huge country. Bordered between a stone wall to the North, a huge ocean to the South, a huge sea to the East and Mountains Ranges to the West, the country of Lenora is a well modernised and developed country.
Lenora itself is mainly covered in skyscrapers and houses and has a calm climate, which has lead to a packed population, despite the number of people, which means most of them live in large cities and there are some villages and towns too.
The country's landscape is ominous; desolate grasslands, concealed mountain views and forgotten farmlands are just a sliver of the sterility Lenora has to offer, which is why the country is shirked among foreigners.
The people of Lenora are tolerant towards foreigners and tend to welcome them with warmth. They feel foreigners could contribute to the country's well being.
Lenora has calm laws and law enforcement, which is what you'd expect. The people are distressed due to a decreasing population, caused by a struggling economy.
This is also reflected in the country's flag, which has light grey background . Their coat of arms is a wolf under the moon.

               The Emperor Han of Lenora , had his worry as he was cursed by a witch at his younger age that he wouldn't be able to have an alpha heir who would ascend his throne

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               The Emperor Han of Lenora , had his worry as he was cursed by a witch at his younger age that he wouldn't be able to have an alpha heir who would ascend his throne. The cursed was known by none, yet there was rumours that was always spreading and he couldn't find the source of it. His olden age raised his anger and increased his anxiety. His first 5 wives couldn't even bore a child. When is 6th wife got pregnant, he was at his peak of happiness, there was celebration all over the country , netizens were excited and waiting for the arrival of their next king. The birth of the prince bought happiness to everyone, the citizens, every nook and corner of the country celebrated the birth of the prince, it brought happiness everywhere except in the palace. The King sat devastated on the throne.

He was broken when the physician told him the Gender and the primary (identity) gene of the prince

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He was broken when the physician told him the Gender and the primary (identity) gene of the prince. The prince, who was born was a Delta. The King wanted to kill the child before anyone gets to know about it as he'll rather be a King with no children than having a child, who is a Delta as only Omegas, Lunas or Alphas are born in royal families. He wanted an Alpha, only Alpha as his child. Due to the Queens pleas and beg, he spared the born prince life. He thought  of waiting for his wish to occur, but only the curse did as the next child who was born after 2 years was a Male Luna and the next one after a year was a Male Omega. The King also became impotent at that stage as he became old, he only had 30 to 40 years more to live. The first prince, identity wasn't revealed to the nation yet. The sly King came with an idea of marrying of the 1st prince, the delta to a omega after coming of age which is around 20 years of age , as there will be no heat stimulation to the delta and no one will find out he is an delta and he can be announced as a Alpha to the nation, that was his wicked plan. He had a similar plan for the Luna, he thought of using suppressants over the Luna and stop the Luna's heat, though he knows it is harmful and it might kill him SLOWLY like a poison, the King didn't give a damn about it, he also thought of training him had from younger age and make him his general, as the hormones and hormonal changes starts and occurs only after the coming of age until then they'll have neutral smell, and only the physician can identify their real identity before coming of age using their blood. He thought of not allowing it to happen whatsoever.
The King Killed all the Physicians, helpers and the servers during the delivery of his children, not one was spared. He then got promises from his Queens, not to utter a word about it to anyone, not even their own children or their children will be massacred. The real identity of the princes were hidden from everyone even from the princes itself.
The prince were revealed only after the birth of the 3rd and the last prince.
On that beautiful day, when the prince were all about to be revealed to the nation for the very first time. The Ten strong, round towers which reach twice the height of the next tallest building in this elegant castle were fully covered with decorations and flags. Stylish windows are scattered generously around the walls in seeminly perfect symmetry, along with symmetric holes for archers and artillery.
The great gate with giant wooden doors were made open for the subjects to come and visit their princes. He was from all over the country, they came with gifts, sweets and flowers for their little princes.
Well kept gardens with fragrant flowers, gorgeous trees and many bushes decorate the outside of the castle were filled with people everywhere . This castle's main balcony was where everyone's eyes were focused on.
There were drumrolls and trumpet blow indicating the arrival of the royal family. There were praise heard from every corner.

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