Chapter 21

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                    Hyunjin's journey to aid Bangchan was too late, he was already in end of the battle

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                    Hyunjin's journey to aid Bangchan was too late, he was already in end of the battle. The day Bangchan was hit to unconscious was the day he was rescued by Minho who was about to get kidnapped by the Leader of Jade himself. Jungsik was angry about the escape of his prized possession. When he got a news about Bangchan arrival around their area, they thought of taking the matter in his hands, he wanted to capture the lad as he can use him as a way to get and make Jisung return back to him.

It was a matter of mere seconds within which Minho saved Bangchan. He had to start a riot against Jungsik with the help of The Locals, had to create diversion of the prisoned Bangchan, had to sneak into the troops camp, have to fight against 30 plus warriors and fighters, which caused him scars which will never be erased, had to free imprisoned Bangchan with him while he himself was very hurt. He had to carry him in his back as Bangchan hadn't yet got consciousness.

He then took him to a local hospital, and had to treat him secretly without the knowledge of Jungsik as he might come there. Had to leave the place again with his troop once Bangchan regained consciousness.

Bangchan again, schemes a plan to destroy and stop the Jade gang once and for all. He started to gain the Locals support. He was sad to hear the condition of those people who had lived in fear of the Jade Gang for years.
He knew its gonna take days to achieve his goal but still he didn't give up. He held secret meetings gather men and women for revolt and war.

He assured the people how the King and king's army would aid them as he was the prince. People gained confidence as they heard from the Prince himself and they gathered and joined with him. They attacked in different parts and camps of the Jade Gang. Minho worked as second in command, his heroism along with his handsome face fanship was spread wide.

They had a well sophisticated plan. They entered the den, without their awareness as the villagers distracted the troop causing rebel and revolt against them. The already hurt leader of the gang who would remain in the den was their target as if the leader is gone, the gang will be powerless without his guidance and strength.

Everything went according to their plan, Minho was soaking in the enemies blood as the lead the troop, as he felt anxious as the days left and his separation from his mate was hurting him and fuming up his rage. He killed and immobilized anyone who was opposing him.

Bangchan remained hidden behind waiting for his signal to enter in and to kill the Jade Fang's Leader. Minho reached the room which was said to the Leader's room. He counted upto to three and burst open the door. He was shocked to see an empty room. He took his communicator, the walkie-talkie to inform it to Bangchan.

Minho: " Jungsik is missing. I repeat. Jungsik is missing. He is nit here."

Bangchan got anxious, he wondered where else would he be then. When he heard commission around him. He heard, some movement among the bushes and his soldiers were pulled into the bushes and when found they were dead already. Before he could inform the situation to Minho, he was also go pulled, dropping his walkie-talkie. Hearing his cry, Minho identified he was in some trouble and rushed out to rescue him.

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