Chapter 14

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        When the whole kingdom was preparing for the Engagement, there was a trio, even before the first ray of sun, were preparing for their departure from their country.  The trio remain silent througout the travel, as each had a throught clouding their mind from, why only it is happening to them, will I ever see him?
Though, they  themselves know the answer very well , they still had the questions.  Once they landed, their mothers greeted them with pity and sadness.  As they also can't do anything against the King. They as their mother wanted them to run away from the clutches of the Dark King, but they knew very well , he'll kill them not even thinking once he find them and that was the only reason they couldn't ask them to leave as they can't afford to lose their babies,  but to accept their fact.

Queen Han 1:  Hello My Darlings ! How you stay? Were you guys happy there?

Jisung: Mom! Are we really getting engaged?

Queen Han 4: Yes, My precious! You all are getting engaged tonight. 

Jisung: Can't we not get? They are not our real mate too!

Queen Han 2: You know the answer very well, my dear.

Queen Han 3 :  Your father wasn't our Mate too,  but we had to marry him in the name of debt, power and fate.

Queen Han 5: You know my love, sometimes,  people get married for the sake of their countries or family,  not every marriage ⚭ should be in the name of love. Once you get married, you'll get used to the partner, you either will fall in love with them or get used to live with them.

Jisung: But Mom, I don't want to live like that.

Queen Han 6: Enough. Han Jisung.  It's your fate you can't run away from it as you are bond to it and it's you duty.
All three Go to your rooms. Your stylish are waiting for you.
Be present for your engagement! Never make Lenora be in shame.
Now, GO!

*Once the trio left towards their rooms*

Queen Han 3: Why were you harsh on them?

Queen Han 6:  Unnie! You know very well no matter what,  they can't escape this. They can't escape from him.

All left in silence to their respected room. Jisung was angry 😡 as he was the only who was raising voice against the issue and he got no support from his brothers as if they were accepting it. What he doesn't know was, he have already been accepting it for a long time. Bangchan knew very well, this day will come one day but he just did expect it so soon, but for Changbin , he doesn't have any choice as he doesn't want to lose his brother for the sake of his love. He would rather die alone. 
Throughout the grooming  process, No matter,  how much they groom them, how much ever they try to cheer them the trio knew very well, they won't have happiness in their eyes and won't have their ever charming glow.
       The trio prince came down the grand royal  bifurcated stairways. The whole ball room was looking up to the ascending prince's. Bangchan plastered his ever fake pleasing smile to fool his citizens. While Han and Changbin showed their open rejection and opposition. They looked as if they have lost, everything in their world.  The Queens could only ask for them to smile a little atleast to their people and the guest. They knew very well, any minute, the princesses of Iliorus will arrive.  They knew they have to greet them at the castle doors, and bring them into the ball room for engagement ceremony.  They were engaged with the girls when they were just born, today is the official announcement of it, and the date finalization for their marriage.
When the 🎺 trumpets sounds were heard all throughout the hallways,  to the ballroom, it indicated the arrival of the arrival of the Royal Family of the Iliorus. The princes got perplexed by the announcement of the Arrival was said by the Royal Guardsman as it was too soon for them , but as they had no other choice,  they took a deep breath and was ready to face the reality. 

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