Chapter 20

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            Jisung wanted to leave this place as he will only bring trouble to Jungkook, at the same time he wanted to stay here forever with Jungkook. He very well knew he can't but still he wished. Jungkook was taking a going care of him. He was falling for Jungkook more and more as days passed by. He still haven't recovered yet, but that wasn't the only reason he still stays at jungkook's place. He wants to have more time with jungkook and capture and store it in his heart. Jungkook was all Jisung ever dreamt of. He was the one for him.
But he had to leave, he was thankful to gods that Jungsik hasn't yet found him. He was scared what he'll do if he finds Jisung with Jungkook. He doesn't want to lose him.
It's been 4 days since his escape. The first thing he does once he wake-up is to smell the fresh hoodie placed near his bed, which has intense fragrance and scent of Jungkook.  He got used, to wear Jungkook's old hoodies as he doesn't have any clothes with him, and the hoodies doesn't fit too, yet he loves to wear it as it makes him feel warm and safe. He slowly came down after fresh up. 
He saw Jungkook chopping of the logs he got from the woods, he can see his biceps 💪 and triceps flexing everytime he chops. He could see how big and strong he was and how his whole head would just fit his one biceps alone. Yet Jungkook was too tender and soft , though he has gigantic and monstrous size body , he was a big goofy baby, a golden retriever. Who he can always pet and snuggle whenever he wants. Jungkook has never complained.  He knows he is doing it as a friend but to him it was all. He felt he wanted to get the warmth from JK how much ever he could.
He noticed Jk has noted his presence as he saw Jk coming towards his after placing down his axe with a smile.

Jungkook: Good Morning.  Jisung.  How do you feel?

Jisung: Much Better.  Thank you.  Hmm.. well I am starving. 

Jungkook: Hahaha. Wait... Let me wash my hands 👐.  The breakfast is all ready. 

Jungkook went past him to the kitchen while Jisung locked the door. When they sat for breakfast 🥣,  Jisung cleared his throat to get Jungkook's attention who was watching the television 📺.  Jungkook turned towards Jisung to give his full attention.  Jisung's words stuck in his throat when he saw how intensely JK was looking at him. He so took a breath before he spoke.

Jisung: Jungkook Hyung.  I.. I wanted to tell you something...

Jungkook nodded asking Jisung to continue his speech.  Jisung slowly said his history with Jungsik , his brothers, his father treating him and his brothers like shit and how he was also marked by Minho.  Jisung looked at JK's wishing to see sadness when he told about Minho marking as he hoped JK might also liked him like he did. But when he saw no reaction in his eyes he felt like a wreck.
Jungkook felt sympathy about the poor Omega.

Jungkook: Hey. I am sorry.  I don't know how to comfort you.  But I promise you,that I am always here for you.

Jk pulled Jisung in a warm hug , which melted Jisung hug. Everything which was happening felt so domestic,  like if he wasn't a prince and had met JK and got married, they would have been hugging like this to comfort each other. This is the 1st time he felt loved ,other than from his brothers and mothers. He felt the urge and desire.  Jk slowly removed himself from Jisung. 

Jungkook: Jisung, Don't worry.  Your family will come here soon to find you. Jisung,  uh. Hmm! Will you allow me to see your mark?

Jisung obliged as Jk told. He moved his shirt to reveal his mark to Jungkook. 

Jungkook: Ah! Now I get it.

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