Chapter 9 "We're Gonna be Late!?"

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My body ached as I ran down the sidewalk, my feet slamming into the ground as hard as they could. My hair flew behind me as I ran, and I could hear my breath becoming more rushed and frantic. I woke up late that morning and needed to be at work at 8 am, but it was 7:55 am before I left. I was lucky that I lived close by and could easily walk. I needed to inform someone though.

The only number I had from work was Harrison, so I quickly pulled out my phone and called him. It rang for a second before I finally heard his voice.

"Hello?!" I heard him ask, but he was panting and sounded exhausted.

"I'm going to be late for work, go ahead and tell Carl!" Suddenly, he started laughing. "What's so funny?"

"I'm going to be late for work as well! And is that you running on the side of the road?" he asked. I was puzzled by his question but became even more puzzled by the fact he was late. He was never late for work, no matter the time or day. I quickly turned around and saw him running a short distance behind me.

"We live on the same road?" I asked, as I continued to run down the sidewalk.

"I guess so, wanna have a race?" he asked, in which I smirked.

"I have an advantage since I start ahead of you."

"I know, first one to our job?"

"Sure," I said, before hanging up the phone. I continued to run but slowed to a jog in order to conserve more energy. Suddenly, I saw a bright green flash pass right by me. Harrison looked back towards me with a smile before waving. Determined, I began running after him.

As we ran, I ignored all the aches in my legs and focused only on winning that race. I bolted forward until we were side by side. Quietly, we both looked at the other as we continued to run forward. The cars seemed as if they were slower than before, and it seemed as though the world around us was nothing but a blur. Strangely though, I heard him whisper something under his breath.

"Ultimatum," he said softly. Suddenly, it was as if the world around us turned into some sort of anime-esc scenery. Small spurts of yellow flashed around him before suddenly causing a strange, yellowish aura around him. This yellow aura caused a boost of energy as he ran forward, completely surpassing any Olympic runner. Something about this surge of energy inspired me.

I quietly watched him, before uttering the same words he did.

"Ultimatum?" I said, questioning if it would work for me as well. Almost immediately, I felt a burst of adrenaline and energy as a light blue aura shone around me. This blue aura was followed by bright blue sparks of what looked like lightning. It twisted and turned around my body like a serpent. I stopped for a moment though and paused.

I stood on the sidewalk and quietly focused all the energy I seemed to have into my legs. As I did, I felt my heart calm itself and my adrenaline begin to disappear. I formed a running position, looking straight at Harrison as he continued to run ahead. As soon as I began running, I was right beside him, running at such a fast pace it was as though I were on a rollercoaster. As he saw me run by him, his eyes widened with wonder and confusion.

"Looks like I'll win," I stated mockingly, before passing him. We soon made it to town. I watched as all the cars passed by us, keeping my eyes on the smiling face of the cartoonish burger. In order to make it to the restaurant though, we needed to cross the road. Based around our speed and the way the cars are moving right now, I can cross the road in order to make it to our job with one try. I wouldn't have to stop and press the crossing sign in order to make it across the street.

I ran as fast as I could. I quickly glanced behind me to see if Harrison was still there, but he wasn't. As I glanced towards the road though, I saw him dashing across the street. He found a moment in which there wouldn't be any cars crossing. A moment that I had completely missed because I was focused on my original plan.

I looked over to the road, noticing that there weren't very many cars driving by. It was still early in the morning, so they must've been asleep due to it being a weekend. With a flash of blue light, I began running across the road. As Harrison and I looked towards each other, it was as if time slowed. Two enemies, one finish, one race, this was the moment that determined it all.

Harrison had already made it to the sidewalk when I reached the yellow road marking. I only had a few short seconds if I wanted to win this race. Quickly, I turned slightly upward rather than straight across so that I could hit farther up the road rather than right on the sidewalk. I felt the roughness of the road under my feet as I ran as fast as I could. The wind rushed past my face, forcing my hair to blow behind me with the wind.

Jumping forward, I made it onto the concrete just before he caught up to where I was. We were neck and neck as we saw the door to the building just ahead of us. We ran down the grassy hill and into the parking lot, the absence of cars being perfect for our race. I felt it, the last spurt of adrenaline as we both reached our hand out to the door handle. My hands wrapped around its cold metal bars, knocking us out of our anime-esc state.

"I won!" I exclaimed, raising my fist towards the air.

"No way, I got here before you!" he yelled with a smile. I was determined to win this argument, however.

"What? Are you blind? I clearly grabbed the handle before you," I stated, before we both began laughing.

"Fine, you win~" he stated, before his mood suddenly changed. It was a joyful, charismatic aura but suddenly changed to a strange, almost empty aura. Why? After the fun race we just had, what was so upsetting? I hope I didn't upset him by winning.

"I'm sorry, I wasn't trying to be cocky," I said slowly, before he opened the door.

"No, it's not that, I promise," he explained, stepping around me to hold the door open for me. I walked inside the clean lobby, but quickly turned around. He was already closing the glass door as I looked back at him. His hair was a scruffy mess and sweat poured down his body, giving him that dirty yet cute look.

"Then what's wrong?" I asked, as he walked past me towards the counter. I turned towards him and followed him. We made it towards the front counter and walked behind it, entering the front service area. It was mostly empty, except for Nya and Mark making the coffees and hash browns.

"Hey Harrison!" Nya called out. Mark looked back and gave us a friendly wave. Harrison made two finger guns and pointed both at Nya.

"Nya!" he called out, before looking towards Mark. "Stop squishing the biscuits!"

"You can't even bag the food Harrison, calm down," he stated with a laugh. Nya hopped over towards me before giving me a sudden, but heartwarming hug.

"Hey Nya," I stated with a slight smile, wrapping my arms around her. I quickly forced myself out of her grips before following Harrison down the small hallway that connected the back of the store.

"Harry! When do I get a break away from you?" I heard Jake yell. Harrison laughed out before shrugging his shoulders.

"Don't work so often Jake," he explained as I smiled. Seeing him interact with everyone in a joyful manner was always something I enjoyed seeing. He continued walking towards the back, and I followed. He made it towards the doorway to the crew room before being stopped. I could see it in his face, something wasn't right.

"Oh, hey Harrison! How are you?!" I heard a soft, yet high pitched voice exclaim.

"I'm alright," he stated awkwardly, before something suddenly appeared out from the doorway. He was knocked back, but the figure wrapped their arms around him and embraced him warmly. Its long, black hair flowed behind them as their blue shirt pressed against his green shirt. Somehow, I could just feel it, the tension between Harrison and this girl. It was like I knew right then who this person was, and this moment was enough to cause my inner jealousy to form.

"You miss me? It's been a couple of weeks," she stated with a smile, as Harrison looked down towards her.

"Yeah, I did miss you Mary," he said softly. I could hear the sadness yet love he had for her in his voice, something that everyone except for the three of us seemed oblivious to. How could she reject him yet still treat him as though she were into him? It was wrong, to me at least. Watching this made my heart sick and caused me to want to comfort him all the while I ensure she lives in pain.

I silently stared as the guy I had slight feelings for became forced in this emotional torture. I had to do something quickly... 

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