Chapter 25 Harrison, a Hidden Gem

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"Are you not going to get him anything?" Nya asked on the other end of the phone. I was sitting in my room, listening to the rain pour outside my window as Nya and I talked to each other.

"Get who anything?" I asked, already knowing who "him" was but just ensuring that it was the right person.

"Harrison." I knew it, that's who she was talking about. Why would she bring any other stupid guy in the equation?

"Eh, I don't know yet." I placed my phone down beside me as I laid my head on my pillow, looking up towards the ceiling.

"She lives in my heart."

Why Harrison? Why do you still love someone that never bothered to notice your existence?

"Oh. Are you two talking or anything?" I lied there silently, thinking about what happened at the park a few weeks ago. It was... painful still. Everything about our relationship was painful, but so beautiful at the same time.

"No, just barely," I explained quietly. I heard Nya sigh for a moment before speaking into the phone again.

"You know he cares about you." Did he though? Mary was the only girl he ever thought and talked about.

"Does he though? It never seems like he does." I rolled over to my side, facing towards the wall. It was dark in my room, but it still had enough light to make everything somewhat visible.

"He cares enough to look for a gift for you." I paused, wondering what she meant by that.

"What do you mean?"

"Exactly what I said. Him and I went shopping for you the other day to find a gift." Why would he do that? Was it out of pity or?

"How was that?" I asked in an uncaring tone. I was upset that he still thought about me, even after all the pain and petty crap he had given me.

"Mallie, he cares about you."

"Who told you that?" She paused, quietly thinking to herself.

"No one did, but I know he does. You never knew this but..." She went quiet.


"I watched him fall for Mary and love her like no other guy could've. I knew Mary before Harrison, and I saw everything that guy did for her. Even the way he looked at her was special to her, but now, he looks at you the same way he once looked at Mary..."


"You saw Harrison yesterday?" I asked Mary excitedly, as she sat across from me.

"Yeah," she stated in a high-pitched tone, her black hair resting on her shoulder. A bright blue line running down her hair caused it to seem darker than it was. I envied her beauty, but everyone did.

"How was it?" I asked. Harrison couldn't stop talking to me about how fun their Fourth of July was, watching the fireworks and spending time together. I could almost see the fireworks in his eyes as he talked to me about them.

"It was fun I guess, more or less whatever." She looked off to the window, staring out at the road with a bored look on her face. She was a complete contrast to Harrison, showing a lack of interest for the event.

"Whatever? Did something wrong happen?"

"No, it's just that he's kind of too nice. Like, he buys me a lot of stuff and tries to go out with me every chance he can. I know he means well but he can be annoying at times, you know?" I was taken aback, confused and slightly upset at how much Harrison cared about her compared to how little she liked him.

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