Chapter 22 The Voice of a Melody

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It was a rough shift, the district manager getting mad at everyone for not living up to his expectations alongside everyone being frustrated by the rush. I walked from the grill into the shelf area, going to grab burger wrappers.

"Mallie, why is it so dirty back here?" I could hear his voice ringing in my head as he continued getting frustrated with the store alongside its manager. I needed something to comfort me, even for a moment. I thought about my favorite song and its lyrics, it was a song that helped calm me down slightly. Thinking about its lyrics, the words drifted slowly out of my mouth.

"Two years I've waited for you my dear, but no matter my feelings, I won't interfere.

Your life seems to be going alright, even if sometimes it's difficult to fight.

I've stuck with you for too long. To let go and say I was wrong.



I walked to the back to try and find Mallie.


"Because no matter how many times I wanted to run away, I know your smile will bring me back to your fate.

Even if the world around goes dark, I'll still hold you within my arms.

I'll help you fight, tirelessly past a hundred nights

Because that's what I'd do, for a girl like you~"

I paused, listening to the soothing sound of someone's voice. It was slow, thoughtful, melodic in its tone. Quietly, I stepped towards the open shelf in which someone could fit through, listening to whoever it was sing their beautiful song. Suddenly, the lyrics stopped as someone quickly poked their head out into the hallway. Mallie's hair swayed with her movement, causing most of her hair to get stuck to the side of her face.

"Oh, it's you." She gave me a sort of surprised yet upset look as I stared back at her.

"Sorry..." A slight smile formed across her face, but it was quickly taken away as I stood there awkwardly. It had been a few days since I had last seen her, but she was as beautiful as ever. Despite this, Mary still loomed in my mind.

"Did you hear me?" She looked nervous, almost anxious to the question as her eyes slowly got wider.

"Um... yes, if that was you singing?" Her face quickly became red as she looked down at the ground, stepping out from behind the shelf. She slowly placed her hands in her pockets before speaking again.

"Yeah, that was me..." I could tell she was self-conscious about it, causing me to want to help make it better.

"It was beautiful, at least, I thought it was." She quietly lifted her head and looked at me, her eyes glistening with wonder and confusion as the words came out of my mouth.

"P-P-Please, I-I'm not that g-great," she stuttered, flailing her arms forward while stepping back.

"I said I thought it was good," I nervously explained, as she lowered her arms. Nervously, I asked my next question, not knowing how things would turn up for me. "Maybe you could sing some of my poems or songs if you'd like?" Her eyes went wide as she stared at me, visibly nervous.

"Um..." I quietly looked down at the ground, placing my hands in my pockets. Silently, I turned and began walking away. "Harrison."

"Yes?" I asked, looking back towards her. As she walked past me, she handed me my black notebook.

"Before I forget, you know?" She gave me a weak smile, before continuing onward. I held the notebook, feeling the cover I had known for several years. Something about it though just felt different, and I didn't fully understand why... 

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