Chapter 26 Writing for You

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I quietly sat at my desk, thinking to myself. For the past week, I'd sit at this one spot for hours and try to think of rhymes and a poem to write. It was slightly frustrating that I wasn't able to think of anything nor have the urge to make anything. I wanted this poem to be perfect because it was for her. No longer did I want to write for Mary, but instead, I'd write for the girl that meant more than words to me.

Silently though, I heard the melody of Cardinal playing in my ear, its soft music playing within my mind. Gently, I placed the pencil on the paper, remembering the time her and I spent together those weeks before. With the melody in mind, I began writing.

I know I made a mistake

In response, she started to break...

I'll tell her I've changed my ways

She'll think I've lied and run away...

Continuing with the melody playing in my head, I began the rhyme scheme for the climax.

I know you love my poems...

Thats why I'll write this one

I know you cherish my songs...

They're all about love

I'll write this poem to show you

That now I'm not a fool

I began feeling more confident in the writing, allowing my pencil to move on its own as my mind played the song. A smile began to form across my face as I continued with the poem.

Late at night I thought of her

I would sit there in pure wonder

Do you think she is okay?

Do you give a damn anyway?

Was it wrong for you to love me?

Was it wrong that we'd dream

Of each other in our arms

Two pieces of one heart

Thoughts of our parts?

I know you love my poems...

Thats why I wrote them for you

I know you cherish my songs...

Thats how I think of you

The thoughts of us two

I missed them all

Even walking through empty halls

Makes me wish you'd grip my arm...

You may never believe my love

You don't have to say I'm the one

I'll try to make you smile

I'll try to make you happy

I hope you'll walk down the aisle

Of us becoming a family

Maybe then you will see

I won't lie to you anymore

Maybe then you will believe

That I've become something more...

I reread the poem, wondering if it was a good one and if it would be good lyrics to Cardinal. Excitedly, I pulled out my phone and typed the poem out before sending it to Nya. From there, I waited, wondering if it was good enough to give her as a gift... 

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