Chapter 11 When the Shift is Over...

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"Bye Harrison," Mary stated, before escaping into the lobby and leaving from our sight. She abandoned me... like all the times before. As I stared towards the glass door she left from, all I could think of were rhymes to poems I wrote before.

What do I do?

Every time I see you

I hear our chemistry

And wonder in your beauty...

"Harry, it's alright," I heard Mallie say from behind me. I quickly returned to my job, but my mind still wandered in different melodies and rhymes that helped pacify me.

I surrender my soul

No matter where you go

Just please let me love you

Even if I become a fool

Because you are the shine

To my impure life...

"Harrison! I need an eight piece," Jerry called out from the front. Quickly, I placed the nuggets into the small bag and continued, slowly drifting with the mood of everyone around me. Something about her absence was painful...

Hearing your name still hurts inside

But I love you, so I don't mind

I can't see you with another guy

Because if I did, I would die...

Four PM finally came around as I quickly stocked everywhere and cleaned the grill area. Everything about this shift was nothing more than a blur.

"Harrison, wait for me in the lobby. I'm gonna be a few minutes," Mallie stated, causing me to turn back to her. I smiled before waving towards her, then quickly walked to the front of the restaurant. From there, I silently sat in the same seat I usually did and proceeded to lay my head down. The warmth of my arms soothed my head as I closed my weak eyes. From there, I thought of a simple, slow melody and created a poem based around it.

I'll say I love you in my head

But never through our texts

I'll always fall back to you

Even when I don't try to

In our briefest of talks

My heart always stops

A crushing feeling of hope

Despite all that's lost...

This poem... I like the rhyming so far. I reached into my back pocket, pulling out the small notebook where I placed all of my poems and drawings. Slowly, I wrote down the rhyme so that I wouldn't rush through it and change the words. From there, I kept the slow guitar melody flowing in my head as I continued the poem.

...A feeling of connection

Despite no direction

A wish for chemistry

Between you and me

A feeling that I assume

Was created because of you

The smallest of seconds

Brings my life's perfection...

"Hey Harrison, I'm ready if you ar-" Mallie stated, causing my head to shoot up. She saw me holding the pen and looked down towards the notebook I had hastily shut.

"Okay," I began, before gently closing the book.

"What are you writing?" she asked, before sitting across from me.

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