Time Continues

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Author's POV

It's been eighteen months since Lisa left. Eighteen months since she disappeared.

Jennie tried calling Lisa for the first few months but she always ends up hearing Jisoo's voice on the line. Well, it seemed like every time Lisa won't answer calls, they are all diverted to Jisoo. You know, the call divert thing in phones?

Jisoo tried reaching Lisa too but she's not answering her phone. The number is still working, it's just that Lisa refuses to answer any calls or messages. But Lisa sometimes sends letter to Jisoo. But the letters don't have any return address. Lisa will just write that she's okay and asks Jisoo not to worry about her.

And it's been eighteen months and a lot has changed. Jennie was so depressed about what happened between her and Lisa and refused to go out and to even eat. Irene always visited her but during the first month, Jennie refused to see her too. But Irene didn't give up and she keeps on visiting Jennie even if latter kept on pushing her away. And now, because of Irene's efforts, it's been six months since she and Jennie became official. Jennie needed someone to lean on during those hard times and it was Irene who stayed with her. Seeing the efforts of Irene, Jennie come to a decision to give Irene a chance. To bring Irene back in her life. And now, Jennie is now back to her normal life, trying to bring the old Jennie back.

Jisoo and Jennie are also back to normal. After some attempts of Jennie in appeasing Jisoo, and with the help of Chaeyoung, Jisoo was able to forgive Jennie. Although she is Lisa's bestfriend, she is also Jennie's friend. And she saw how Jennie struggled to bring her life back. She cannot deny that there's still a part of her heart that blames Jennie for what happened but past is past. People need to move on. And as she sees Jennie moving on with her life with Irene, Jisoo also hopes that Lisa will do the same. She still holds onto Lisa's promise, that she'll come back when the time is right.

Jisoo's POV

It's been eighteen months since that unbearable day happened. Lisa sends letters to me from time to time and every letter didn't have a return address. And holding on to my promise, I didn't look for her. I still believe that she'll come back just like what she promised.

I've been busy with the company since she left. Meeting here and there. Travelling to different places. And right now, I'm here in my office, take note, my office. I refused to take over Lisa's position. I am taking care of her company just like I said but I would not take her office. I still believe that she'll come back and I will see her in her office again one day.

I was busy reading some of the project proposals when my phone rings. With my eyes still on the proposal, I searched for my phone on my table and answered it without looking at the caller.

"Yeoboseyo?" I answered.

"Miss me, Rabbit?" The caller answered.

Hearing the voice of the caller, I looked up from reading the proposals.

"Who's this?" I asked but I'm sure I recognize this voice and there's only one person who call me rabbit.

"Don't tell me you've forgotten about me, Dork." and I can hear a teasing tone from the caller.

I looked at my phone's screen and there I saw the caller's name.

Caller: Lisa Manofoot

"L-Lis?" I asked again.

And then I heard her chuckle.

"Damn right, Jisoo TurtleRabbitKim You're damn right." She laughs.

"OH MY GOODDD! IT'S LISA MANOBAN!!!!!" I shouted from my office.

Maybe startled by my scream, an employee entered my office. I looked at her and mouthed that I'm okay and then she left. I can only hear Lisa laughing on the other line.

"Oh my god, Lis! Where are you? How are you?" I asked her nonstop.

She chuckled before answering, "Save the questions later. Pick me up?"

"OMO! Where are you?!" I answered excitedly.

"Here we go again. Do you want me to give you the planet talk again, huh Chu?" She answered back.

"Oh my god, you're at the airport! Wait for me. I'll pick you up! Don't move, monkey. DON'T MOVE!" I said to her as I exited my office.

"I'm leaving! Cancel all my meetings today. Byeeee!" I said to the staff as I run towards the parking area. I can hear Lisa still laughing on the line.

"Stop laughing, you pabo! I'm on my way. See you!" I said as I entered my car and ended the call.

I was already on my way when I received a text message.

From: Lisa Manofoot

YAH DORK! I'm hungry. I'll be going to a café near the airport.

I'll wait for you there. Ppali, TurtleRabbitKim! 😝

"Aish, that, monkey. Seriously." I mumbled to myself as I drive.


Author's Note:

Lisa's back! Happy day, everyone! And thank you for all your support! 🥰

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