Chapter 9

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I was sitting on the couch in the living room of the dorm where Prof. Lucius Green was staying at.

I was holding onto the cup of tea, that I had brought with me, with both my hands. My posture was straight, I didn't dare to relax.

The bag of snacks that I had brought was placed on the coffee table between me and the couch opposite me, on which was seated the only Arch Mage of wood elemental and the professor that I will be working with, Prof. Lucius Green.

To think that the kind old man I had encountered, who had managed to politely mock my age and height at the same time, would be the very Prof. Lucius Green that I was trying to avoid.

I was trying not to look at him in the eye as he very openly assessed his new teaching assistant from head to toe.

I gulped inaudibly.

"Um- Professor, it's nice to meet you." I managed to say, finally breaking the silence that seemed to be selectively crushing me.

"Didn't we already meet, kid?"

I- How disrespectful!

Of course, I didn't say anything aloud. My current expression was 'how expressionless I could look without looking like I was about to faint'. A very useful expression. Comes with practice. (-_- )ノ⌒┫ ┻ ┣ ┳

"That- Sir, I think you misunderstood, I'm 23 years old. I am not a child."



"Could've fooled me."

"It- it runs in the family!"

"Heroux, right? Pretty sure it doesn't."

"Sigh... Sir, can we talk about work now? Please?"

I tried to listen to Caius, I really did but I'm pretty sure my face showed exactly how agitated I was feeling and embarrassed. My cheeks were hot. Hot enough to fry eggs, and not in a good way.

Prof. Lucius was having way too much fun teasing me, if his red face and shaking shoulders were anything to judge by. His eyes crinkled when he laughed and I must say, his laugh was contagious.

I could feel the corner of my lips twitching as I desperately held back my smile. Finally I gave in to the laughing old man and slumped down in my seat with my hands over my face.

"Sir, can you please stop laughing?"

" He he he, ok, I'll be fine in a second."

He got up, grabbed the tea from my hands and patted my carefully brushed hair, flat.

"I'll reheat the tea. Make yourself at home. We can discuss official matters with a cup of hot tea. Don't be shy to eat the snacks!" He said while moving to the kitchenette which looked just like mine, only more wore down and messy as a sign of frequent use from it's owner.

Hmph! I will most definitely eat the snacks, you old man! How dare you tease me!

Thinking so, I stuffed my mouth with the biscuits that I had brought.

I ended up looking like a hamster but it was worth it.

Eventually, Prof.Lucius graced us with his presence and two cups of hot steaming tea.

"Don't mind me, kid. I was just having a bit of fun."

"Professor, I repeat my words, I am not a child."

"Alright, alright. Young people are so sensitive nowadays."


"I said alright, didn't I? What should I address you as?"

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