Chapter 2

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The fact that school started so early was a crime. (Y/n) moved her hand about, trying to find her alarm clock, before turning her head and finally finding the 'off' button. She groaned, putting her hand over her eyes as she enjoyed the last few moments in bed before getting up to get ready for school. She was never one to wear anything too flashy, just some jeans and a t-shirt.

Quickly eating her breakfast, (Y/n) walked the way to school, dreading it now that she found out how many classes she had with Peter. She figured to just ignore him, but she knew she couldn't in their science class. She hated that. Sighing, (Y/n) walked through the doors to school and headed towards her locker, quickly finding her books and heading straight to her first hour class to wait for the bell to ring.

Reading a book, she heard the other students pile into the class after her, overhearing a conversation between two of her classmates. "Hey, did you see that news story about Spider-Man a few days ago?"

"Oh, yeah! It was crazy. He stopped two moving cars and saved everyone inside, as well as catching the criminal who almost caused the accident." (Y/n)'s head perked up a bit. She wasn't usually one to keep up with the masked vigilante's work, but she had to admit, that was impressive. What kind of superpowers did he even have to pull off something like that?

"Dude's crazy, man. You remember how he was the one to stop Connor's lizard, right?"

"Of course. Everyone knows that."

"Spider-Man is a nuisance. He shouldn't be on the streets. Whoever, or whatever, he is should just leave the crime-fighting to the cops." a girl nearby the other two boys talking interrupted. (Y/n) rolled her eyes. Yes, she respected the police force, but sometimes they needed help.

"Spider-Man is doing you a favor, Jennifer." one of the boys snapped back. "Maybe you should get your head out of your ass and take a look at the world."

"Hey!" the girl shrieked, and (Y/n) sighed, now uninterested in the conversation. They began fighting, and she shook her head as the bell rang and the morning announcements started.

"All right class, settle down. Jennifer, Roger, quiet." Mrs. Richmond snapped at the two, who had continued fighting even through the announcements.

(Y/n) looked around the classroom, and noticed that Peter wasn't here. Her eyebrows furrowed, seeing at this was the third time he had not been in first hour in two weeks. The class went on for a while before the door opened and in came Peter, his hair a mess as he rushed to his seat. "Mr. Parker. Late again, are we?"

"Sorry, Mrs. Richmond. I... accidentally slept in again." Peter said, pausing in the middle of his sentence. The truth was he got held up at a robbery, then had to chase down the two thieves that almost got away. He did catch them, but realized all too late that school had already started, and he was late again.

"Maybe you should spend time trying to fix that alarm clock of yours before it gets you into more trouble. One more late and that's a detention." Mrs. Richmond said, leaning against her desk as she watched Peter run to an open seat.

(Y/n) watched him with narrowed eyes as she held her pencil in her hand, Peter looking over at her when he felt her eyes on him. She turned her head quickly looking down at her notes, which she was actually writing down today, and let out a breath. Peter silently kept his gaze on her for a few moments before looking to the board and writing down what he had missed. He noticed (Y/n) was intently writing down everything on the board, keeping her eyes on Mrs. Richmond as she spoke. This was a new twist he didn't expect to see, given that last year she couldn't have cared less about what she listened to in class.

"Parker! You still with us?" Mrs. Richmond called, and Peter jerked his head up when he heard his name called.

"Yup, yeah. All good." he said, and (Y/n) raised an eyebrow from her position.

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