Chapter 7

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(Y/n) had brought her own laptop for research for the project so that she and Peter wouldn't be fighting over search materials when they did their project. Every once and a while, she would feel his eyes on her, but when she looked up, he was looking at his own computer and writing stuff down. This made her second guess herself, because she felt like she would have seen him looking away a little bit. Shaking her head clear, she went back to looking up facts about the Black Widow spider and putting them into an online document to save for later so she wouldn't loose it, like a piece of paper.

"Hey, we said to get the essay done first, right?" Peter asked and he turned around in his seat to look at her on his bed.

"Mhm." she answered shortly, not looking at him. "I can start it."

"Uh... okay." Peter said, somewhat bummed his attempt at a conversation didn't get anywhere more than a simple hum. He sighed and ran a hand through his hair, messing it up a bit more than it already was.

She heard the disappointment in his voice, and looking up to see he was a little restless. His foot was bouncing up and down from under his desk, and he was tapping his pencil against his desktop. (Y/n) put her pencil down and opened her mouth to speak, stopping for a moment before saying, "Hey, why don't we take a break. We've been working for a while now. I think we could use one."

Peter turned around to look at her again, and she could see the relief on his face. "Oh, sure. That sounds good." He put his pencil down and stood up to go to the door of his room before looking back to ask, "Do you want anything? I'm gonna get some water."

"You know, I am a little thirsty." she caved, and he nodded his head before opening the door and walking out, closing it behind him.

When he left, she looked around his room. When she got up here first, she was closing herself off from looking around. Now that she had been here a little longer, she was a little more curious. Standing from the bed, her eyes went around his small room, taking in everything she saw. There were a few clothes here and there, but it was obvious he made an effort to clean it up before she got here. A few pictures were hung here and there, but a few of them caught her eye. One was of a handsome looking couple, a woman with brown hair and a man with greying hair and glasses, holding a young brown haired boy in their arms. It wasn't Peter's Aunt May in the pictures, so she had to make the assumption that the adults were Peter's deceased parents. Her finger brushed it lightly as she looked at it, that old guilt coming back to her as she looked at the once happy family.

Beside it was a picture of an older man, also wearing glasses. She furrowed her eyebrows a little bit, somewhat recognizing the man. She remembered when Peter had broken the basketball backboard trying to show up Flash Thompson, and this man had come in to the school. She guessed this was Peter's Uncle Ben, who was shot not that long ago. She remembered the days when Peter had come back from mourning him, and he was not the same as before. He was recluse, angry, and only Gwen could talk to him. (Y/n) bit her lip in thought, hugging her arms around herself. She remembered when she saw how he was those days, taking a deep breath to stop in in flow of unpleasant memories. They didn't stop, however, and she thought of watching him from afar, taking in just how hardly his uncle's death had hit him.

Looking away, (Y/n) looked down at the desk, and creased her eyebrows together when she saw a hint of red paper underneath all the others. She went to move the others aside, but just then, the door began to open, however clumsily, and she rushed back to the bed just as Peter came in with a glass of water and a bag full of chips. She look at him with a raised eyebrow as he handed her the water, and he didn't miss it.

"I got hungry." he stated, putting is own water on his desk as she took a sip of hers. He opened the bag of chips and began to eat them loudly, making her roll her eyes in an attempt to stop her incoming smile at his childishness. After eating a couple of chips, he asked, "You know, Halloween is in a couple weeks. You doing anything?"

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