Chapter 13

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Like any other holiday, Thanksgiving was a silent, proper event her parents only allowed to make themselves seem richer than they were. The foods were fancy, the cutlery was shined and used only when it was proper, and (Y/n) was dressed up to her finest clothing to see their fancy 'friends', just like Halloween, except this time, she wasn't allowed to stay in her room. Dressed in silk with fine gems around her neck, her parents forced her down the stairs as she sat in front of their co-workers, clientele, contacts that connect them to the higher levels of life in New York. All (Y/n) wanted to do was 'accidentally' spill some of Mrs. White's wine over her glittering, white purse to see what would happen. She almost did, until her mother told her to go back and tell Diana that they needed more wine, this time the expensive stuff.

It was nothing but relief when Thanksgiving was over for (Y/n), and she took down all the little drawings she had made in her room for the holiday. She was foolish to think this year would be different. Looking out, she noticed that snow was beginning to fall down by her window, and the city was turning on all its lights for the night. She couldn't help but see in that moment exactly how beautiful New York could be. Past the crime, the vigilantes, the heroes, just the city itself. A sudden spark lit up in her head, and she quickly took out her pencil and pad and sat down by her window, and started her outline.


All over the city, (Y/n) had laughed at the advertisements she had been seeing. A one-night only circus was coming to New York City, and they claimed that they had Spider-Man performing the night. The first time she saw it, she scoffed in amusement, wondering how on Earth a circus such as the one she was looking at from the poster could possibly get Spider-Man to perform for them. It was utterly ridiculous to her, but she saw it all over the city. Shaking her head with a smirk of humored disbelief, she walked home from school, looking up to see the familiar red and blue suit of her friend swing past her, yelling out a whoop as he crossed into another street, making her grin.

Friend. That's how she told herself she should see him because she could feel something inside of her boiling every time she looked at him. She tried to deny it, she really did, but the months they had spent together made something flutter in her stomach every single time she thought of it, seeing him once more. (Y/n) knew it was a bad idea, gaining feelings for a man she didn't even know beyond the mask he had, but she couldn't help it. She knew him, it didn't matter if he had a mask on or not. They told each other about their lives, their day, and she grew closer to him with each word they spoke. Spider-Man was a hero to all, and she knew that he had enemies as well, enemies that wouldn't hesitate to hurt her at a moments notice if they knew she was close to him. She didn't care though. She could feel herself falling deeper into the web he had spun for her. She wasn't sure if what she was feeling was love, for she had never felt it before, but she was sure as she was alive that she was falling for the vigilante Spider-Man.

Going up into her room, she scanned the pictures hanging from the walls. Some of them were of Gwen, some of them were of Spider-Man, and barely any of them were of herself. Some were just a few Christmas preparation drawings she made for the holiday season, not looking to finish until December hit. She remembered the picture she had given to Spider-Man, and wondered where it was now. Little did she know it was hung in the room of the boy she had despised for most of her high school years, and little did she know he treasured it like they were gems and he was a dragon.

Shaking her head of her thoughts, (Y/n) sat down at her desk and pulled out her drawing of New York. Looking out the window, she licked her lips and pulled out her pencil, continuing her work. It wasn't long before she heard the familiar knock on her window, feeling the butterflies in her stomach almost explode as she turned to look at Spider-Man, who's head was tilted as he pointed to let him in. Shaking her head with a laugh, she crossed her room and opened it, giving him a smile as she said, "You know, I've seen a lot of you today."

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