Chapter 11

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The only thing (Y/n) wanted to focus on today was schoolwork. She wanted to forget that tomorrow was Halloween, and that these months were flying by faster than she could even think to imagine. Her room had slowly become decorated with pictures she had drawn to celebrate the Halloween season, but she knew not to hang any up in her home, for Halloween was a holiday her parents used only as a time for a formal party, which she always despised and stayed in her room for. Not that they cared, anyway, given they believed that if their seventeen year old daughter were to appear at the party, it would ruin their chances of looking haughty and proper in front of their rich friends.

Grabbing her backpack from the ground, she rushed out the door and towards Midtown, seeing how she had almost been late for school. It was Friday, so it's not that it mattered much anyway, but she didn't want her parents to see that she had ruined her perfect attendance, which they chided her on. Running down the street, she huffed as she reached the school, seeing a much healthier Gwen walk in right before she did, and, much to her dismay, Peter Parker right behind her. Letting out a sigh, she slowed her pace and walked to the lockers, the first bell ringing through the hallways to let kids know to get to class.

Squinting her eyes shut as she did, (Y/n) walked towards her locker, trying to avoid looking at Peter. She expected him to be just as they had before, and say something to start off this already annoying day with something that would get her all riled up, but. She expected a sneer, a laugh, or some rude words to be thrown right in her face. But nothing came. Daring a glance, she saw that Peter had not even acknowledged her existence yet. His eyes were trained fully on his locker as he took out his math book and closed it, walking down the hallway. Had he not noticed her? Surely he did, for she was right beside him. (Y/n) didn't understand why she couldn't wrap her head around it, nor why she wanted to.

"Hey. (Y/n)!"

(Y/n) was startled out of her thoughts by Gwen's hand on her shoulder, the blonde girl looking at her with concern in her eyes. "You all right? You went blank there for a second."

(Y/n) turned from Gwen to the hallway where Peter had disappeared, then back to Gwen, nodding her head. "Yeah, I'm fine. Just a little tired, is all."

Gwen looked at her for a moment before (Y/n) left, and she watched as the stubborn girl walked down the hallway to her first class. Gwen sighed and spoke to herself, saying, "God, if only she knew," before walking down the hall to her own first hour, The first class of the Friday starting as soon as the three of them sat down in their seats.


"(Y/n), dear, I need you to help your father put the cake on the table."

"(Y/n)! Go help your mother! The living room needs cleaned as soon as possible."

"(Y/n)! Go tell the maid she needs to quickly finish cleaning that bathroom and move to the next one."

"(Y/n), tell the cook he needs to finish up quickly. The guests are on there way."

Back and forth. Back and forth. Her mother tells her to do one thing. The next moment, her father tells her to do another.

(Y/n) was running about the house, silently cursing her parents to herself. She didn't even plan on attending this little gathering her parents were having, and she certainly didn't understand why she had to help if that was the case. Still, both her mother and her father had her running from one room to the other, helping with one thing and then getting sent off to do something else. It infuriated her. This was supposed to her her weekend. Her Saturday to relax from the stress that school has put upon her, and because her parents felt they needed to keep up appearances, she was forced to help make this Halloween party be the best it could be. She didn't understand why, still. After all, they were only real estate agents. Not much appearance to keep up with there anyway.

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