Chapter 3

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(Y/n) was glad when the end of the day finally came, and she could rush out of science class, leaving Peter in the dust. She said bye to Gwen before heading their separate ways to their homes, (Y/n) taking a deep breath before choosing to walk the long way. She felt she just needed a bit of alone time before she got home and actually had to do her homework.

She looked through her phone for a few minutes before looking at the walk-way ahead of her, enjoying the sights of the buildings around her as she walked. She heard something behind her, and turned to see what it was. When she saw nothing there, (Y/n) looked around in confusion, a little more on guard than before as she sped up her walking pace, putting her arms tighter around herself as she walked in a defensive motion. She watched enough true crime tv shows to know that weird noises when walking alone were something to not take lightly.

(Y/n) looked up from the sidewalk to see two older guys in front of her coming from a nearby alleyway. She stopped in her tracks, panicking a little as she looked at them. She attempted to turn around, when one of the guys stepped in front of her, blocking her from moving. Her breathing quickened as her heart rate increased, and she tried to book it past them, only for one of them to catch her by the arm, making her cry out. Her bag dropped to the ground as she struggled to get out of his steel grip.

"Let go of me!!" she shrieked, hoping for anyone to hear her.

"There's no one who's gonna save ya, girl." the taller of the two men said, looking down at her sinisterly. She whimpered when the shorter drew out a flip knife, and struggled in his grip as he threw her against the wall. Her shoulder hit the brick, and she groaned in pain before the taller pushed her further into the wall by her shoulder. "There's no one to hear you scream."

"Help me! Help-" she tried, but the taller put his hand over her mouth to silence her.

"Do it, Jack! Come on!" the taller shouted to the other, who was looking up at the sky.

"Dan, what is that?" the shorter, Jack, said as he looked up at the sky.

"What the hell you talkin' about, Da-" Jack began but was pulled up into the air but an unseen force. (Y/n) dropped to the ground at the release of her shoulder. He yelled and shouted for whatever it was to let him down as he hung up from the building. "Dan, get me down!!"

"Jack!!" Dan cried as he too was pulled up into the air, but this time, he was dropped onto the concrete. (Y/n) watched with a gaping mouth as a figure dropped from the building, his face hidden behind a mask with two big, white eyes. In the light of the sun, she saw his red and blue suit.

"Spider-Man?" she whispered to herself as she watched him fight off the short Dan guy. Spider-Man kicked Dan right in the chest before walking over and pushing him into the wall, webbing him there. (Y/n) looked up to see Jack hanging by the webs from the building, the man frantically panicking as he saw how high he was up in the air. Spider-Man turned to look at her as she sat on the pavement, her chest heaving as she looked at the vigilante. "You're- You're the Spider-Man!"

"Are you okay, miss?" he asked, bending down beside her as she breathed heavily. She noticed his voice was muffled by the mask, but it was definitely a guy talking to her.

"Yeah, I-I think I'm okay. Thanks." she said, and he took her by the hand to help her up from the ground. Her legs were a little wobbly from the experience, so she fell into his chest, which he caught her.

"Whoa, there. Are you sure? You're shaking." he said, his hands gripping her arms lightly, unlike the two men who had just attacked her. She winced at the pressure on her now bruising arm where the man had grabbed her. Her mind was not in control of her body's actions, so she was shaking like a dog in a thunderstorm.

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