Chapter 15

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(Y/n) couldn't help but think over everything that had happened over the past year. At the end of her junior year, a giant lizard broke into their school and destroyed it. A man with the powers of a spider in a red and blue spandex suit turned up in New York, battling crime on the street. Gwen's father had died, and the Lizard almost turning the entire city into giant mutant reptiles. Spider-Man had saved her not only once, but on multiple different occasions, and now came by her home to speak with her. Finally, she and Peter had come to an agreement, finally getting along for the first time ever.

It was finally Christmas Eve, and (Y/n)'s parents were sparing no expense to try and make it seem like everything was fine with their lives. They were hosting their yearly party, spending thousands on a large Christmas tree and food to try and lure some clientele and high society contacts back into their good graces. Of course, for this time of year, they always forced (Y/n) into the fanciest dress they could find and dragged her down the stairs to mingle with those whom deemed themselves at the highest branch of New York society. The dress always itched, (Y/n)'s face was always full of makeup, which would soon lead to a breakout on her face within the next few days, and her parents always made it seem to their guests as though they actually loved their only daughter.

(Y/n) knew it was all bullshit, though. The disappointment in their eyes as they gazed down at her fidgeting in the itchy dress showed it enough.

Red lipstick painted her lips, as did a maroon shade of eyeshadow over the lids of her eyes. She managed to convince her parents to let her wear her favorite dangling Christmas tree earrings, but her mother was still upset over the green she decided to clash with her red. Their usual Christmas party themes were always either white, red, or a mix of the two colors. Looking around at the large penthouse, (Y/n) let out a silent sigh, making sure none of the very few patrons were able to hear her. Usually, their home was full of people, but this year, a mere seven had shown up, some of them looking rather disgruntled to be there.

(Y/n) took a small sip of the drink in her hand, the champagne causing her to squeeze her eyes shut just a little bit before letting out a breath. The taste was horrid, but her mother tried to get her accustomed to the taste of champagne at a younger-than-legal age for her party and celebratory reasons. She showed off her dolled up daughter like a show dog to her guests, spatting over her dream to be a journalist and her hobby of drawing by saying that she would grow up to be just like them. Proper and rich.

With her parent's declining bank funds, she was shocked when she saw the decorations, until she shook her head and told herself that she knew they would do anything to regain their old life, even spending the last bits of money they had left on this Godforsaken party of theirs. They hadn't dipped into their savings account just yet, thinking they could get by without using it. But, as the weeks passed, and less money came in, (Y/n) knew they would only last so long before they had to spend it on something extravagant.

Her mother pulled her away from her sitting in silence to come and speak with one of their guests, who going on and on about his successful business transaction that just made him a hundred thousand dollars richer than he already was. (Y/n) resisted the urge to roll her eyes at her mother's ass kissing, instead deciding to nod her head along with the small group of people, trying desperately not to rub her itching eye to smear the mascara and eyeliner that was caked on her eyes. Her lips were dry from the lipstick, and no matter how expensive it was, it would never fail to make her chapped. She gripped her cup with an iron fist, trying desperately not to break it in her hand, although the thought did cross her mind just to get out of this gathering.

She heard her father's boastful laugh from the dining room, however pinched it may be from the nerves he was feeling at the prospects of losing everything he built. (Y/n) squirmed in her high heels, the strap digging into her ankle and the back giving her terrible blister on her heel. Turning to her mother, she gathered her courage to ask, "Mother, may I be excused? I thought I would try and get my break homework done tonight after the party, but it's getting late."

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