Chapter 1

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After the shock of a threat of a giant lizard turning everyone else in the city into giant lizards, and the emergence of a new superhero, Spider-Man, (Y/n) suddenly didn't think that school would be such a bad thing to go to. Now that it was back up after being attacked by the lizard version of Dr. Curtis Connors, a former Oscorp scientist who's mind was driven on rebuilding his missing arm, (Y/n) was glad to be back, even if she had to see Peter Parker's face.

That's right. Peter Parker. (Y/n) did not care for this boy. Ever since they met, there has been bad blood between them, and they always took to battling each other in the hallways before heading to their classes. Unfortunately, they had many classes together. There was a brief moment after he lost his uncle that (Y/n) decided to leave him be, but when he came at her just as hard as before, she stopped pulling her metaphorical punches.

(Y/n) was walking through the hallways of the school, looking around and remembering the big freaking lizard. She shivered at the thought, utterly shocked that something almost straight out of a science fiction novel had run through their school, destroying part of it. Then again, they lived in a city where a man in red and blue spandex swung around on webs to save the city. Maybe anything was possible here.

(Y/n) smiled when she saw her best friend, Gwen Stacy, by her own locker, and shuffled her way over to her. "Hey, Gwen!" she smiled, and pulled the blonde from her thoughts. The girl had lost her father not long ago, but was doing much better. (Y/n) was glad to see her back to normal. It hurt her when she saw her friend grieving in such a way.

"(Y/n), hi!" Gwen said with enthusiasm, closing her locker as she held her books in her hand.

"So, how was the break from school? Glad to be back?" (Y/n) asked, leaning against the locker next to her.

"I missed it here, honestly. I'm super glad to be back." Gwen answered with a little sigh of relief, looking over to her friend. "I bet your ruing this day, aren't you?"

"No, actually, I'm really thrilled to be here again." (Y/n)'s answer somewhat shocked Gwen, who took no effort to hide it, and (Y/n) rolled her eyes playfully. "Oh, come on, I'm not that much of a slacker. I missed coming here because I missed my very best friend."

"Aw, I missed you too." Gwen said. "Now, you should get your books before the bell rings or you're going to be late."

"When have I ever been late?" (Y/n) shrugged her shoulders as she stood up straight from leaning on the lockers.

"To name off a few-"

"That was a rhetorical question, Gwen." (Y/n) pointed her finger at her, feigning a scolding before smiling. "I'm gonna do better this year. You know I will."

"I hope so. But, remember, if you ever need any help, I'm here." Gwen said, putting a hand on her friend's shoulder.

"And I appreciate that, really. But, I don't think I'll need it. I'm gonna try harder this time." (Y/n) said truthfully. Usually, she liked to slack off her work for play, but now that the reality hit her that she was a senior, she decided it was time to actually try. She wanted to be a reporter, and she knew that didn't require a lot of school, but she still thought a backup plan with a degree was the best way to go.

"That's good to hear." Gwen smiled, before waving bye and heading off to her first class.

(Y/n) blew a raspberry as she opened her locker and pulled out her books for math. She hated math, almost as much as she hated Peter Parker. Who, speaking of which, had his locker only two down from hers, letting her know that his year was going to be just another hell on Earth.

"Parker." she greeted shortly, and he turned his head her way, joined by a roll of his eyes.

"(L/n), what do you want?" he asked, opening his own locker and grabbing his math book, which they had together as their first hour.

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