Chapter 6

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(Y/n) looked over the table at her parents, who were silently eating their food as she thought over what to say. She hated their silent dinners, but they liked to think that they were so prim and proper that they couldn't even talk at the table. (Y/n) always did, thought, just to annoy them and show how she hated it. She put her fork down and set her hands on the table, looking over at both of them.

"Mom, Dad, I have to tell you something. It's about school." she started, and her father sighed, putting his own fork down before looking over at her. (Y/n) had put off going to Peter's house for as long as she could, but after almost a week had passed, she knew she had to get together with him to finish the project. It was due in two weeks.

"Can't this wait until we finish dinner? You know how we feel about talking at the table." her father said, looking down at her.

"No, it can't wait, and you know how I feel about not talking at the table." (Y/n) snapped back, looking over to face her father before turning to look at them both again. She watched as her mother put her fork down as well and looked up with a 'we're listening' face. "Okay. Good. So, um, tomorrow I have to go over to someone's house for a science project that we have to do, and I don't know how long I'll be there but I just want you guys to know."

"Dear, why couldn't this partner of your come here?" her mother asked. "We'd be welcoming."

"No, you wouldn't." (Y/n) stated, looking directly at her mother's cat eyes. "Plus, I want to get out of the house. You don't let me do anything."

"We let you do many things." her father stated, crossing his hands over the table. "Look, I know what this is. You don't really expect us to believe you have a project, do you?"

"What?" (Y/n) said in shock.

"I did this when I was a child too." her mother said. "You cannot just lie to us and expect us to go over to your little friend's house."

"He's not my friend. Just a lab partner." (Y/n) said, but she instantly regretted letting them know it was a boy.

"He?" her mother repeated. "This partner of yours is a he?"

"I told you it would start soon, Linda." her father whispered to her mother, just loud enough for her to hear.

"What? No, ew!" (Y/n) said, her mind going places she did not want it to go. Her parents thought she was going to Peter's for 'not school related activities'. Just the thought made her cringe back into her seat. "It's nothing like that! Peter is my lab partner."

"Peter? Peter Parker?" her father said, sharing a worried glance with her mother. "You didn't tell us it was that boy."

(Y/n) sighed, groaning as she leaned her forehead against the tablecloth. "We don't want you associated with the Parkers. Not after what happened to their uncle and that boy's parents." her mother stated.

"You know what? I don't know why I told you this." (Y/n) said, gathering up her napkin to throw it on the table. She stood from her seat and said, "And I just want you to know, I take no pleasure in having to be his lab partner, but not for the reasons you don't like him. I'm only doing this to keep my high grade, which you would know if you even bothered to take an interest in my life." (Y/n) stormed away from the large table and up the stairs back to her room, where she slammed the door and let out a groan. She fell onto her bed and sighed, closing her eyes for just a moment to relax. When she was just about to fall asleep, she heard a tap on her window, ad her eyes flew open to look and see who it was. She smiled when she saw the familiar white eyes. Running over to open the window, she looked at him and said, "Hey, Spidey."

"Hey. Just wanted to check up on you, you know? Be that friendly neighborhood Spider-Man." he said as he hopped inside.

"Your concern is greatly appreciated." (Y/n) said, crossing her arms and laughing.

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