Chapter 12

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Even weeks after that Halloween had passed, (Y/n) hadn't forgotten that night out with Spider-Man, or as she now liked to call him Spider-Boy, and she didn't ever want to. Looking around her room, she had realized how plain it was, even if she was trying to make it better than what her parents allowed. They did, at some times, come into her room when she wasn't home and take down portraits and decorations that they didn't find approving of what a rich daughter should have. Now that Halloween is over, she though it was time to put up some Thanksgiving themed drawings, just to spice things up in her plain room and practice her drawing. Christmas would be saved for when December started. She was a firm believer in Christmas staying in the month of December.

Gwen had invited (Y/n) over for a little study session, given that they had a big test in their math class that was a huge portion of their quarter grade. (Y/n) didn't know if she would be able to pass it, so Gwen offered to help her study, which allowed her to get her own study time in as well. Picking up her bag that had her math book and binder already stuffed inside, she headed out of the house, her parents not home yet, and went outside to the street to hail a taxi over. The colder temperatures began calling for warmer attire, and as (Y/n) felt the cool nip of the air against her cheeks, she shivered as the taxi pulled up to the side of the road to pick her up. She gave the driver Gwen's address, and looked out the window like she did every car ride.

On the way there, she once again saw the giant building of Oscorp. Her heart beat in her chest as she looked at it, wanting to see just exactly what was on the inside of the powerhouse that fueled the future. If a man could be transformed into a lizard from within those very walls, and they had a device that could disperse a cure to an entire city, then she wondered what else that building was hiding, and what kind of research they were conducting. What science, what experiments, but mostly, what secrets

She wasn't by any means looking for dirt on the place. More of she was curious about what was held inside. She understood more now, with Gwen as her teacher along with paying attention more in class, and she was more interested than ever to see exactly how it worked. When they passed the building and turned the corner, she lost sight of it, but she swore she saw a flash of red and blue sitting just atop a building right beside it. Smirking to herself about the identity of the figure, she turned to face the front seat of the taxi, shaking her head as she bit her lip with a smile.

When she reached Gwen's home, she was greeted, as usual, with the smiling face of her best friend. Gwen hugged her as she came into the door, and (Y/n) waved hello to the blonde's little brothers as she passed them talking in the living room. When they headed into Gwen's room, she shut the door and sighed out a little bit, quickly hopping to her desk and taking out her math work to help them study.

"(Y/n), you ready? Cause this can get a little difficult," Gwen started the both of them sitting down on her bed with their books open.

"Oh, I'm ready," (Y/n) nodded her head with determination, so Gwen looked down at their books and they began.

It was definitely harder than she thought it would be, but she had managed to remember all the little things she would need to to be able to pass the test the next day. After about an hour or so of work, Gwen looked up from the book and asked, "Do you wanna take a break? Too much studying and you're gonna end up not remembering it."

"A break sounds wonderful," (Y/n) groaned out, falling backwards onto Gwen's bed as Gwen laughed at her. A sigh left her as Gwen stood up to put her book back on her desk, before she suddenly remembered that she wanted to ask Gwen something. "Oh! Gwen! I have a question."

"What's up?" she asked, turning in her chair to look at the girl.

"So, on the way here, I couldn't help but notice the Oscorp building," (Y/n) started, looking down at her fidgeting hands as Gwen nodded. "And, honestly, you know with my grades being so much better than they used to be and my new interest in these sorts of things, I was wondering... er- do you think, being the head intern, you could get me a little tour of the inside of the place? Oscorp, just to be clear."

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