Sorry, I like you - Sorry! I pranked you!

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Sorry, I like you - Burbank
America x Philip

Uh.. 😣


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A week after America's busy week, Philip knew by the means of his brother, Canada, that the "work" they had was already over, and Australia and New Zealand, were back to the city. Though he's still feeling a bit disappointed that he didn't tell him how busy they are. So he decided to pay his boyfriend a visit, and he unceremoniously showed up in the star spangled country's place that afternoon. The door was open, so he should be inside, calling with a soft and clear voice, Philip made his way to the inside of the apartment.

"Hey! Ameri-" the filipino shut his mouth as his eyes met a very unusual sight.

The american was sleeping on the couch. He had some small bandages on his face and body, "What the hell.." the orient pearl whispered. America was fast asleep, breathing slow and heavily. Did their work involve gang fights to leave Ame so tired, his body full of small bruises... Walking softer by instinct, Philip got closer to the man, standing by his side with his mismatched eyes filled in awe.

The blonde haired was slightly messy, all over his forehead and shoulders, covering a part of his face and his neck. Apparently he had taken out the upper part of his clothes before resting, so his chest, with well-marked abdominals was clearly visible, marked by bandages and purple bruises. The filipino stayed a while like that, slightly flustered and without moving, just gazing at the strong body and the calm face of his lover, without knowing what to do.

With a silent scream of frustration, the sun-kissed country sat on the ground by his lover's side. What was he getting all nervous about? It wasn't the first time he saw America's body... he had even rested over it, and touched it with his hands.. but somehow this time it felt a lot different... His chest was tight and his abdomen felt hot.

Looking back at him with the cheeks still painted in a cute reddish tone, Philip decided to calm himself. He wasn't acting quite as himself at the moment... So, what could he do?

As the nervousness disappeared, the orient pearl's expression changed to a mischievous smile, as he thought of something totally different for the sensual images that had been crossing his mind against his will. Looking around, he soon found a black marker, and without even thinking about it twice, he used it on America's face...

Whiskers, moustaches, doodles... Philip played a bit around with the marker before his soft laughter made the American wake up from his slumber, looking back at him with surprised blue eyes.

"Philip? What are you doing here? " He asked slowly, trying to understand the reason of that big bright smile he had in front of him.

"Ah- Hahahahaha!!" The filipino screamed and laughed, falling from America's chest to the ground, probably thinking that the taller country would have some kind of revenge.

"What?" The star spangled country looked around somewhat confused, trying to understand what was happening, and then he saw himself in a mirror. It took him some time to understand that it was his own reflection, since all the doodles on his face made it look like it was some kind of joke.

"Heh, so this is why you are running away~" He said, arching an eyebrow, making the filipino laugh even harder.

"Well, punishment is required~♡" the American grinned devilishly, standing up in one move to chase after his silly boyfriend, who couldn't stop laughing at the sight of his own work.


(A/N:) thank you for reading and still keeping this book to your library or archive. I appreciate every vote and comments, your support makes me feel better, especially the frequenters.

Still, I feel like an entity to this account now, and this book is now buried in the fandom, but that's okay! I kinda prefer it this way, even though seeing a lot of engagement is exciting, this way calms me down I guess.


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