I'm So Sorry - by Ame '3'

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By: Hearts & Colors


Written raw.

I guess something nice for once?



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Was it really that bad?

America grumbled to himself.

A few hours ago they were so happy enjoying the party, talking with their friends and catching up with their lives, trying to keep in touch with each other. But then something happened that led to their current predicament, though the cause wasn't ill intentioned. It was merely a teasing display, but somehow his sunrich lover didn't take it too well.

Which he didn't know he would, America thought he would like it.. hoping he'll think that it's 'kinky'. The star spangled country skimmed through his inner thoughts, he really didn't expect Philip would react negatively.

"Phil~" America whined in front of a red mahogany door, and knocked a couple of times for the twentieth time.

"Baby? Please forgive me~" he called, toning his voice a little desperate, praying that his plea of forgiveness would reach the country on the other side.

Philip scowled at the door, emitting malice towards it and hoping America would sense it and stop his futile effort. He's not going to forgive the star spangled ass anytime soon. After that little stunt he did, embarrassing him in front of everyone. The filipino huffs, looked away and bury himself even further into his warm blanket-made shelter.

"Philip~" the american whined, he can't believe he's doing this right now but, anyone could do childish or silly behavior just to earn their loved ones forgiveness. "Mahal~ please.." but Philip answered with silence.

Ame's shoulders slumped in defeat. Maybe if left him for a while, the storm will calm. He turned to his heel and began walking downstairs, he looked back one last time, hoping to see Philip peeking from the door.. but it was just the same closed door he kept on knocking just a while ago. Probably he could do something to urge him to open the locks, but what? Get him something he likes? Yeah, that could be it. The country sat down on the lowest step of the staircase. But in his dire situation, Philip will probably fume at him.

Standing up, America fixed the shades on his face and heaved a sigh. Welp, it's going to be those days.. how did Philip called it? Oh, yeah- 'tampo' days. Damn- most of the time when the filipino would teach him a new word, he would always bite his tongue. The star spangled country pulled out a phone in his pocket and dialed Philip's favorite numbers. It rang a few times, and an employee answer at the other end.

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