Greedy Lover

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*aesthetic designs will be later..

"Philip bb~!" , the soft calling of his name, transformed into a childish nickname made the orient pearl's eye twitch. He turned to the side of the public street-court in which he was practicing his throws to see the tall country and his duffel bag, standing on a side.

"What's up?" He asked, holding the ball under his right arm as he walked towards America, "Wanna play a bit?"

"No, I don't have the energy for that…" He pouted, "You're kidding, right? You—" letting all his weight fall over Philip in a strong hug,

"Hey– what the– chill you overgrown–" and letting his face rest over that warm shoulder.

"Then what are you doing here?" the filipino buffed his answer, returning the hug and patting his well toned back with both his hands. The bright sun was already hot enough for America to increase the temperature by hugging him like that. He was really warm, most likely from playing earlier. Even so, the sun-kissed man didn't push him away. "Isn't it a long trip for you?" Philip asked.

"It is… I'm tired and sleepy, and it was awful." He pouted as he complained, rubbing his face against the soft cotton shirt of Philip.

"You shouldn't have come if it's so bothersome for you." The orient pearl mumbled on his lover's neck, now caressing his strong back, "Why did you even come here then?"

"I came to see my boyfriend." He replied. It sounded a bit angered, maybe because of Philip's harsh words.

"You won't even play basketball with me. What's the point of coming all the way here? Just to come and complain to me?" He asked, only noticing how bad his words sounded when the taller country broke the hug and holding him from his shirt, drag him until the closest wall, pushing him against it. With a thud he felt a cold pain on his back. "Hey, what the fuck's wrong with you?"

"Aren't we lovers?" America frowned, his cold blue eyes showing that beast like when they play 1v1.

(A/n: 1v1 on the be— i mean court. BASKETBALL COURT!)

"W-we are…" the filipino stuttered, frowning as he tried to look less intimidated than he actually was.

"Then why do you act… like it's so weird for me to want to see you?" the star spangled country asked, leaning forward until his breath hit Philip's face.

"You were the one complaining!" Philip replied, yelling at his face, "If you didn't want to come, you shouldn't!"

"It's tiring to come here. There's always traffic, the trip is too long especially when I had a shitty day at work!" America yelled back, following their childish banter, before adding something totally different,"But YOU are here."

Philip tried to reply something, but before he could, America's thin lips were already closed around his mouth, preventing any more arguments from coming out. As greedy as always, America bit his lips and tangled his tongue on Philip's, pressing him strongly against the wall. His right leg got between the filipino's thighs, rubbing against his most sensitive part, and his strong hands holding him so he wouldn't run away, one over his waist and the other pressed over his chest, long warm fingers searching for his nipple.

"Haa–" kiss "You–" kiss "Idiot—!" kiss "What are you–" kiss "doing in the middle of the day? In public no less!" Philip breathed a shaky voice, America left his mouth to taste his earlobe, the orient pearl tried to contain the sounds that might evoke from his throat from his lover's tongue ministrations.

"Doing what I came for," America whispered, his lips came back from nibbling on his earlobe, "Since you don't seem to understand why I came all the way here…"

"Y-you fucking idiot.." Philip blushed, pushing him away a bit. "That's not something to do here!"

America didn't reply, but also didn't move away, still pressing him strongly against the wall behind him.

"Alright, alright! Understood! You are not only greedy but also a lecherous beast that would stand all that trouble just to fuck me." Philip exclaimed in a bothered tone.

"Not really.. I'm just a little needy– and I have cravings for my boyfriend's taste." He grinned, making Philip blush even brightly.

"JUST LET ME GO. This is no place for this! We'll go to my place later, ok?" America's eyes sparkled in mischief, finally releasing Philip and retreating enough for his boyfriend to move freely, "But you're gonna have to play a bit with me first."

"Bring it on~" America grinned devilishly.

(A/n: and they do the PLAP PLAP— 😂😂😂😂 xD )

Starting this comeback properly with the most popular ship AmePhil :3

I'm gonna continue my leftovers, but not so soon hehe ÓWÒ let's be patient

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 11, 2023 ⏰

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