Just got tagged, that's all.

479 15 16

Sweet mjy_reads tagged me, and I just-- *sniff* Thank you QwQ

1. Do you care what others think of you?
- No, I don't have time for that.

2. Middle Name?
- Lizardo. Yeah, like Panday's sworn nemesis.

3. Favorite Sport?
- I guess... Badminton.

4. Best friend?
- In real life, I have two..
- In wattpad, two as well.

5. Someone you couldn't live without?
- I'm single, I don't have that kind of person.. yet. OmO

6. Fav nickname/ nickname that others call you?
- I have, and it doesn't relate to my real name. And I can't say it here hehe.

7. Are you cute or sexy?
- it depends...

8. What are your preferred pronouns?
- She/Her

9. Have you ever been asked out?
- Once, in highschool and college

10. Do you believe in love/soulmates?
- In love, of course.
-In soulmates, not sure. It's subjective and it depends on the person's beliefs. But the idea is quite interesting.

11. What are your top three pet peeves?
- Poeple who kept pushing me/don't understand that I don't drink anymore.

12. Do you consider yourself an emotional person?
-Very much.

13. Words you say often?
- When I don't know how to react on something, i just say.. "wew"

14. A picture of yourself?
- Sure. Just wake up at 3am, all lights out, go to your bathroom mirror with a lit candle, and say 'Bloody Mary' 3 times. Maybe we could have a conversation as well :)

15. Favorite picture of another person?
- Uh.. I-I don't have one.

16. Favorite hobby?
-At home, a few. But a lot of procastination.
-At work, observing and judging people silently.

17. Role Model?
- PEWDIEPIE. Yes, he's better than my parents if I do say so myself.

18. Who is the best person you personally know?
- My sister.

19. Crush?
- I have lot. And it's either they don't know I exist or they don't exist.

20. Tag 20 people.
- Um.. yeah, sorry I don't know a lot of people here hehe.


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