Put Me In A Movie - Reviewed by: Singapore

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Put Me In A Movie pt.2

Let's sleep with our eyes open.

A continuation of WorkOfConfusion 's mutual request

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"I expect all of you to finish your research by next week! And the deadline will be saturday, class dismissed."

Oh joy. Another research. Another week of sleepless nights.

Philip can't grasp the fact that these minor subjects require loads of paperwork. The probability of applying minor subjects for his future dream job would be at least thirty-three percent-- no, perhaps less than that. Of course, these minorities are good extra knowledge-- but c'mon! Does it always need to have stacks of papers?! Also it doesn't even apply one bit to his majors! Chemistry is so far from Computer Programming in the branches of science. Whatever's worth, it's still one of the units he needs to pass.

Philip remained seated in the center of the amphitheatre, waiting for the others to clear out. He's quite unlucky being an irregular student, he doesn't know anyone from this class of business majors, and he barely tries to converse to anyone. Nonetheless, he doesn't need to. He could easily pick up the subject. The filipino checked his wrist watch, 4:20 PM. He has one last subject for the day. Once the expansive room cleared out of people, only then Philip chose to leave the premises. He doesn't like walking the corridor with so many people, the buzz just makes him dizzy. Ambling the silence of the 6th floor, the Filipino made his way to the elevator. Pressing the down button, the metal doors immediately welcomed him revealing the empty metal box. He leaned on the cold iron surface and pinched his glabella.

What a fucking start of the week, he still has to review the files Brunei sent him, fix few of his appointments and mentally prepare himself for the event he was intend to host. The sultan insisted that he should attend to make acquaintances for future business partners, or possible people that would hire him to broaden his expertise in the field of programming. He accepted in willingness to gain experience in socializing, but of course only for business.

The orient pearl felt his stomach grumble. Fishing out his turtle wallet in his zipped-up hoodie jacket, he smiled seeing its googly eyes.

"You're cuter when you're fat." He mused, lightly squeezing the coin purse/wallet, hearing the clinking sounds.

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