"The Changing"

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Reptilian flesh curled amidst the deliverance of shadows crawling into dark tinged armor. Its chaos edged with ascerbity in the assembly of the protective blackness now readied to be adorned. Its plating descending from a mirrored void. Slowly lowered upon the trunked casket of a heart in decadence and self betrayal.

Its echos remained in silence but for moments.

To distill the memory of her illusion.

Her sultry kisses bandaging the bleakness within his heartbeat remembered. Now frozen amidst the guiles of a fainted contemplation. Silently vanished into the demise of what stood within him.

A hollowed carcass of unearthly torment. Beseeched by the black curtains of nights eternal coldness.

Eradicated and self professed in deadness. Alone to scar the wine bottle of its brilliant nectar. Partaking of the feast of lies and inward fading. Eternal in a sweet abounding remission.
A suitor progressed in aloneness by his own deviled hand. For his blood in submission spoke of it. When the shadows drew near and the transformation would consume him. Pedaling the complacent strands of flesh into a final empty submission.

Blackness whirled around the room in billowing tusks of nightfall. Skeletol specters arose from there imprisonment to embark upon the duty of suiting the king. In all his steel fanged security endorsing him with a venomous endowment. Arms geared with razor shards and metallic fingers that donned three inch nails now positioned into there final rest of dark servitude. His shako secured forcefully into its tethered imploring. Protecting the repugnant sponge of a diseased withered brain. His casms were marked ruthlessly of dust. within a glanced trickery it sprawled to life creating his omnipotent form. Into darkness his entire likeness was painted for the commissioning of an absolute power. Casting down the mortal binding of earth and flesh renounced by primal fire.

An enduring stradegy highlighted the kings courters.

War entailed the feast at there lugubrious banquet. His manor of execution outwardly impressive in prideful boasting. Lifeless eyes fermented upon aperatures of the disgust in vile sentiments. Standing beside the king the glimmer of an encrusted shine armed his smile with serpent like teeth. Abiding by the quest of striking fiercely within the daunting alliance of his acidic chaos. He was meticulous in his attributes. Risk taken to arouse the final deduction of loss that would procure his triumph over any battle. Handsome and well defined his black suit stapled softly to the wreckage carcass of his withered form. The stale impression of an attractive face wrapped smugly around his chiseled skull. He delighted in entertaining the king with his fortune and authenticity for killing.

Around him the others stood in quickness of stealth in quiet listening. Famine, poverty, disease, all had a place at the banquet table. There dark angelic likeness aof a deceptive treachery. A renowned implosion of wickedness nestled in a pit of vipers. There venom intoxicating quickly into lips that pursed together upon a tainted smile.

There sisters hatred and vice were amidst them while they dined. There dispelling beauty countered each other by a light of feminine attraction. For they commanded the fortunes of the depraved and daveled in the rurhless acts of self carnage. There raven hair fluttering in the wind to a dance of spiders and leeches that befriended them.

An archaic embellishment refined each dark spectre in there seemingly trivial operation. For each one was summoned for a specific purpose. A gnawing of anger, a penchant for lust, there hidden talents composed the brittle tinge of there dark being.

The King stood with them in unison for the moon to trace its fingers upon his forehead. Ravenous in the throws of nightfall it's pain inflicted the brutal curse. A black quickening had begun.. That transformation in complete agony prevailing. The skeletal dust recurring its life into the symbol of molded flesh that took shape. His eyes, nose, and mouth drawn insidiously upon a snarling glare. Humanity stepped backwards as darkness crept within the vessel of his blood rich body. Its dark fibers tendered to enlist the dust to congregate amidst internal organs. There assets compelled to draw inward as the spinning of spiders webs. Enlisting its strength to join together the pieces of his darkness.

Screams of insane infusion hollowed through the castle halls as drakameer was once again reborn.

Into his suit of armor he waned impenetrable in a dark completion of unseen power. Into breath and night harnessed to shape the brittle walls. His skin parachuting of lizard like quickening. Stairing through the helmet that suited him for battle. Reptilian eyes that shined outward in a silent branding of darkness.

There king of misery by the moonlit darkness had been awakened.

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