"The Dark Counsel"

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Inward distortion and outward rage crept amidst the dark counsel. There fingertips tapping the obtuse tones of death in a fiddling repetition. A wooden table where they maliciously perched called there drawing to a distinct attention. There devising in the shadows filled with hesitation and an out right hostility. Blinded slightly by defeat. Bypassing the fluid works of portrayed logic there angers fumed in the furnace of there indignation. Treachery pounded the table with a distinct sweetness. His eyes enticing like moonlit beams thrown to the stars in generous haste. "I call this meaning to order! Violence rebutted his words swiftly with a fist to the face. "We wait for the king you fool!!" Treachery snarled and graveled like a child sitting backwards on his chair. "Test me and know who am" he slyly whispered in a silent disgust.

The dark king appeared wistfully in the room fully engaged in a radical blackness. Its power exceeded the midst of the room and bathed the union of there broken souls into an attentive stair. "I have consulted the dark one of the matters at hand. He has given me full authority. Someone unknown to even us has enormous power. A "pure soul". They were able to even change night into day. Without night my essence is crippled. A bleach boned symbiote without a carcass to carry me. I dwell in myriads of shadow and sadness. Is there anyone as empty as i??" Hatred squirmed forward upon his tilted chair in a crazed reaction. "No my king! You are beautifully empty! The scar of scars and the thorns of blood shed." The dark king sat silently at the head of the table. His ears trained to discern the creatures of darkness within there obsessive rumbling.

For now all was dead silent.

Bat like creatures withdrew there despondent viciousness. Dressed in black hides with jagged fur they hung silently upon the walls in close attention. There ruby eyes tripping off the reddish glare like headlights in a brutal storm. Rats with dagger teeth and six slimy legs discarded there kill and slowly scurried amidst the floor boards. There reverence on bowed knee appeasing the dark kings rabid hunger. Finding shelter while stamping out there squeals of audible silence, There heartbeats paused within a crecendoed minuet that soured to the source of there blood shed.

All around were richly abounded upon the kings every word. Even the poised chatter of lust and greed became disheveled in a nagging disdain. Now clutching to silence in an altered format of the kings discretion.

Standing rigid, eyes bursting in a mirror heightened fire he began to address his audiance.

"Am I not the one who has procurred this transcendental barrage of our enemy??? Do I shiver to them? Do I quake in there resistence? No!! We shall over throw there kingdom as we have done to all the others! Right at the crack of sunset we will ride. When night moans to my empire of skeletal evil I shall soak up its faculties. Our union shall disembowel this carcass of worms. There feeding shall cease in there accompanied dirge of possessing my flesh. I shall rise within a fervent passion summoning all the powers of the night. My strength unfathomable, undefeated, infinite! I need one whisper, one inch of darkness amidst my scorch tinged breath, the first seconds of sunset we shall be prepared! Whoerver it is that cast us back down to this pit. I shall destroy them!!

I shall rise!

The room erupted in a swaying stampede of screams and ejecyed reverberation. Its connecting halls splashing the melodies of discord through there painted caverns. Blood flowed in pivotal dissonance in a mixture of stone and death. Pure evil swung loosely through its projections. Its shortened alibi detained by one recurring theme.

Darkness is king. Drakameer is darkness.


The candles glided to a soft simmer. There wicks flaring but for moments to the recourse of the demons eyes cast brightly in shadow. The Dark King slowly made his way down the main corridor to his place of hollowed slumber. His ruthlessness of sight impaled by a dragging unconsciousness. Cradled by spiders linen in the form of silk pressed dull and weary. He amended the cloak in sadness burying him in his final thoughts. His final recollection of a pained reality. Coursing through veins that tamper the constructed irregularity of his entire subsistence. His eyes closing upon deaths bridging heartache, one whisper slithered from his final waking breath.

"They shall fall...

I am forever...


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