"The War Has Now Begun"

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Jacey gasped for air as her drenched skin eroded into a dream like state. Her descent through the lifeless hallways threw her reluctantly before the armor that now shined blazingly within an antique darkness. The shades of colors were pivoted upon a vividness that she had never seen. The solar axis of its designed creation expelled outward in a blinding pageantry. Its proving slowly diminishing the darkness surrounding its angelic nature. Jacey repelled backwards in a consuming hesitation. Her brow trickling with sweat she stood in an out right submission to the blade of light that now surrounded her. Speechless, bewildered, she gazed as the armor walked down from its displaying pedestal. The symbol of a sparrow beamed upon its silvery chest plate. It's rustling flames dancing like a firey ocean defining the perfected edges of its intensive design. In gentle gusts of breath Jaceys heart pounded furiously. Her body scheming to the devine brightness stripping her of a hollowed consciousness. She fell to the ground as the suit stood above her. A liquefied division below the face sheild churned into the form of human lips. Silently it called her name upon a gentle smile as Jacey slipped into total darkness. A whirl of flashing tones bathed itself upon the armors complient prominence. Slowly Jacis body contorted into a hastened merging. Plaining the endowment of extreme internal power into her blood flow. Eternal in its esteemed benevolence of enduring fate.

Colors began to form shapes as light drew softly to Jacis eyes.
Slowly reviving she stood at the front gate of the night fallen kingdom. Her flesh now the armor she once beheld for she had become its form. Its structure medaled upon an enhancement of connecting bones. Girding the task of shapeleaaness into the iron justification of a human shield. Her flesh divulged its purpose within the mirror like shine of the armors exceedingly projecting hue. She had become one with its purpose. Its myriad components defining the human DNA of her blood into its razor cut diamond precision. Her hair now the cape that flowed amidst her. Transformed into polished steel it swayed in the night lit breeze of darkness. Protecting her like two enormous wings steadied in a readied flight. Wrapped around her body there plaqued sheen assuming the stance of infinite power. Now frozen in a combative attention . Ready to unleash there docile positioning into a furious armada of bombardment.
She stood upright with lightning speed. Her every movement heightened to a brightly lit enhancing. She gazed at the vile decrepidness of soldiers slowly approaching.

Out in the distance a demonic horde shuffled ruthlessly trudging upon dirt and scorched earth. There bodies deflecting the moonlight glistening downward to the trampled plain of there marching. Darkness lead the brutish army saddled upon a black horse. Its nostrils flared in a heavy depth of breathing. Its eyes shined of a shrilled abstract identity. Immense muscles tightened and reformed there stance as they haulted there forward lunging. Apprehensive and unaware it slowly obeyed its masters evey command. A sutured dominion expelled like a web catapulting the young steed to an internal stop. Draping it with an unbridled repertoire of fierce unseen power it gazed silently ahead. The rider stepped down in a pristine aura. A hideous castration of evil rearranged upon his body In another form. A blackness alive amidst the death of daylight joining forces with the ebony swayed tinge of his own armor.
His steps boiled the cracked surfaces of the dirt stained plane of where he walked. Flames crept upward by the printing of his feet molded into the form of his ascension. Slowly he walked upwards to the near vicinity of the shining light that stood before the gateway. His green slitted eyes constantly attempting to adjust to the brightness. There shine permeating through the shadowy cloak that covered him in eternal darkness.

Drakameer stood before her.

"I am the penchant oracle of death. The master of its barrage. The son of the devil and I command you to move.

His smile was enticing. It hinted at a strange beauty that crowned king the feathers of ravens perched upon a tree now listening to him. The worms of the earth revovled within there spiraling coffin of cold damp earth. There sighs beckoning there kings attention. Awaiting his word to rise up and flail untiring there ruthless composure.

Jacey stood with sword in hands. Her armor powering down as she relayed a bitter silence. Its heavenly dominion shocking her into a pure hearted self obedience. She did not speak nor move. Her eyes trained lucidly on the distorted death of the face of a wretched soul that stood amidst her. The dark spectre smiled loosely stairing back at her. His blackened armor arrayed upon the heart of his defenses. His blade drawn slowly into the misty plain of shadow and night he stood at complete attention. Waiting for her to engage upon the devils sly trickery.. waiting to vehemently destroy her every movement. The Sparrow upon jaci's chest plate blazed like an unquenchable fire. Its piercing brightness shined like a beacon in the trevailing darkness. Agony surrendered to the glimpse of a cross that hung like lightning above jacis body. Its appearance filled the dark army with an impending dread. A fear of what awaits by the power of God's omnipotent hand.

Finally her purpose was known to the shadows. Her inexhaustible equivalent of gods power glistened like moonlight upon the blade of her sword. Gifted to her by angels awaiting her command.

Silently she staired as a holy fire consumed her. Night cracked open as a dream Forging the light of day to empower her intensive honning.

Upon her inward fortitude with a smile that captured the painted beams of moonlight

A longing in shadow eternal

The war had now begun.....

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