"Savior Of The Lost"

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Jaci dined within the divine providence of her sunlit courtyard. Its fluent array of precious beauty enrapturing her. Diluting the sponged sorrows of her heart into a nearly perfect procession. A sprawled out blanket of light pastels gently peaked through the fabric that anchored her to the green of the earth. Its softness adorning her in the wild grass amidst her newborn settling.The rhythmic swaying of trees cultured to declare steadiness to the birds chirping softly. There careless song a familiar harkening that delighted her in charm and tonal luster.The light accenting of bluish tones regulated a distinct beauty surrounding the area that sang of a peace and tranquility. A perfect performamce of solitary euphoria danced beneathe the grip of her fingertips. The air was crisp and inviting. just the guise of a slight chill wrapped its shadow around her as she prepared her meal. Humming the mimicking of the birds elated song she sat there while dining in solitary thought. The food posessed a quaint richness, sweet to her appreciation, prepared for its nourishment. A buttery goodness casting down the warm elements of satisfaction into jaci's stomach. Settling in gratitude she ate while watching the soldiers March in triplets. Drilling to the beat of the leaders obsessive crooning. Inwardly a churning disrupted her thoughts. A tired torrent of upset derailing her train of temperment. A pale displacement of pain within derived of a questioning. A guiltless penchant of consuming desire implanted by something much larger then herself. She traced it away by the thought of mere nothingness. Still it tweaked and creaked and moaned within.

"Go to the room"....

The voice in her head came from out of nowhere. Its expelled pledging blinding the dormant responses crept secretly away within Jaci's heart. The rebel of personal notions and dreams imagined into crystal clear clarity. She knew without fear what it was directing. Its sprung tempo of shock becoming more abundant as time moved on.

"Go to the room".....

It took but a moment to jostle about and carry her make shift meal blanket back into the castle.
Jaci swept through the hallways into her special hiding place. Her trapped expression hidden beneathe a beautiful smile descending upon many of the guards that walked past her. Into the room she entered crawling about until standing firm upon stable footing. The air enriched solemnly of the finest of value spun out in the character of silver and gold. There crafting of impeccable refining lead finely down a blue carpet to one solitary suit of armor. It stood upwards ejected upon a stand arching forward as a dazzling display. Its shine colored of light that embellished the room upon a reflective state of gleaming.like a blade sheathed into its position of carved leather it displayed its factions. Deciphering the archaic language written upon the chest plate Jaci pondered. Squinting within a dormant mode of remembrance she unified the letters in words that depicted its most powerful statement.


she had studied its beauty several times but now it lit aflame of light that seemed internally alive. Dancing wildly around the fused components they shook to the lightning attack professing the judgment of order and sanctity of its creation. Piercing through the ribbed casms of its crafted indignity.
Harboring the chilled impression of mortal sin in a shield of metallic fire. It bent to submission only to become empowered by God's fervent insisting.

Below the message was an inscription in Aramaic, Hebrew, and another language that seemed almost alien. Jaci smudged away the cobwebs and rubbed hastefully the area exposing the full spectrum of its wording.


Her studies promoted a duality in her natural personhood. Unknown to her of gods purpose in her knowledge of languages and customs. She had been taught in the definition of interpretation of dialect. She was the right person in the right place at the right moment. Predestined to explore the etching of gods secret language that only she could understand.

She briskly cleared the area where the jarbled writing displayed its incredible secrecy.

This time spoken aloud she recoursed once again for clarity.


All of a sudden an ethereal tempest of painted fire shined amidst the armor. The power of the sun became its mirror like glaze. Echoing outward in an esteemed catalyst it's shine enhanced by the brilliant fortune of its crafted form. Casting downward in a processional fleeting that scoured the room in armored parts and bolts dancing. There razor plating joining in a discreet oneness. Assembling upon the edition of Laci's body. It beamed In an alluring declaration. Mirroring the power of a falling star in its cresent shifting of light and shadow. Laci could command its power upon the sword, now unsheathed and shining of blue lightning. Every stance altered and boosted in an extreme magnificence. The strength of Samson coursed through its metallic veins. Upon its chest a cross blazed of a greenish fire lighting the shadowed areas of the room. She had become gods pendant of hope renewed. A defender of the helpless, the destitute, the depraved. Upon her fingertips caressed the power of centuries past and the blood of the slain. Now coursing in an oil like ocean that bathed the armor in its defiant wake.

Jaci awakened safely secured in the disheveled sheets that wrapped around her tired body.

The dream had seemed so real, so powerful.

The cusp of recoiled righteousness shouldered its pathway now into silence.

Rolling over nestling in the tender comfort of her pillow gods champion rested in darkness surrounded by angels of light standing on each side of her bed. Their stance frozen amidst a treasured elegance. Guarding the soul of Jaci's heartbeat.

As she drifted into a silent peaceful sleep.

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