"I Will Conquer!!...."

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The thunderous ricochet engaged of swords glazed of sweat and butchery. An army of carnage in arctic chill coated the breast plates of a multitude of demonic hosts. There dinner upon the blade of there devising taunting a reply from the wind whistling upon its cracked ruthlessness. Whipping through the air in a judgment determined of swiftness. Defiling the light of day to break open the casket of there king now arrayed in stained black armor. His sword to the air in a wincing haste he screamed into the depths of nightfall now awakened

"take no prisoners! The treasure is ours! Let no stone unturned! Let no balance be squandered to the act of our attrition!".

Gainfully accepting there complient role the horde marched in unision upward towards the mortals that slept in the dust of there dreams. Anchored by a distilling vengeance in the click of an altered reality. The command engaged brutally of demons awaiting the taste of burnt flesh roasting and eyes gouged for the deed of sheer pleasure.

Evil was attained from within.

By the hand of there master there summoning spread steadily onward. Casting down the shouted wailing of the tyrant king and his puppets of darkness. There sinister spectacle glowing of a black flame. A flame that impressed its defiance upon a strengthened steady wind. Showering the dominance of a trifling preeminence bathing within the dark kings blood.

In night and dream they rode the course of souls that detained there vast affliction.
Only In sudden anguish to declare there plans bowed to a deafening hault. A decease in power bled the crowd to a miniscule trudging. In there own sadness sun light peered vastly through the clouds up ahead. Its fleeting sign of heavens fire decommissioning them. Dethroning the kings power. For only in dream and night could he conquer. Could he summon the power of Drakameer and be victorious.

Daylight continued to draw sheepishly in the stilled distance. There stance in battle turning to dust regaining the closure of there cell of eternal emptiness. Awaiting for its reality to cloak fiercely upon winded breath. They succumbed to the outcome of time disolving there conquest.

The horde disappeared into a redish mist. Its blanket of shadow delivering the brood back into the pit of nothingness from where they arose.

"Who did this!!!" Drakameer screamed rampant upon his throne. His hair faded and eyes bleached white with anger. Slowly his power decreased into the frail form of a withered old king. His face in resemblance of a cold emptiness. "What bright light changed night so quickly into day???? Its impossible!!" Sitting silently in an aggravated rage he pondered this distinctly. Night had just awakened and the horde had been assembled by the command of the king. Blackness powered his blood flow in gusts of sprawling venom. Its springing reaction transforming him into the devils son.

"Something did this!". The king snapped as Milcor swung down from the ceiling.

"Master... in 500 years this has never happened. The only possibility is there is someone in castle trimezpia that is truly pure of heart. There soul detected your assembly of the dead. It brought forth the light out of sorrow mingled beneathe its heartbeat in pure goodness. Master... that is what happened. This individual is immensely powerful and has the ability to over throw your throne!They can turn night into day!!!!!"

The King stood abruptly clutching the sides of his chair to assist his balance. His face wincing in the haste of a despondent pain

"Who!!!! Who could do this??? Who has such power????".

Milcor smiled nervously while attending to the kings heightened anger.

"Master... I do not know. Whoever it is..
They very very powerful."

The daylight singed slowly the skin of the kings rotted carcass. The bluish hue of rigor mortis imeshed within the black concaves of flesh stapled to bone. Sitting back into the shadows they cradled him lavishly cushioning his deadened heartbeat.

"I will find a way to destroy them. If its the last thing I do. They will be gutted and hung upon my wall as my eternal prize"

Milcor steadily climbed upwards upon his web. Swiveling in the stillness of its permeable kingdom he looked down upon the king on his thrown. Blackness consumed his identity in scraped shambles. Tendering the wretched harlot of thought that troubled his internal being.
With a deep breath he closed his eyes swaddled by earth and dust as a blanket consuming him. Fading intonthe depths of an extreme nothingness he subsided with the thought of his final words.

"I will conquer........"

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