Chapter 1

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Minato POV

The sun rises over konoha and someone's alarm clock goes off a hand reaches out and turns it off the man sits up in his bed and we see a blonde haired man get out of bed and getting ready to start his day by putting his shinobi clothes on he goes down stairs and we get introduced to his red haired wife we see her cooking breakfast for her and her husband minato.

Minato: wow kushina that smells amazing

Kushina turns towards minato and gives him a smile she then turns back to the food and continues cooking.

Kushina: thanks hun and by the way what mission will you and your team be going on today?

Minato: well originally we were going to help out at a bridge but lord third gave us a different mission since obito isn't the strongest kunai in the shinobi pouch

Kushina: oh I see well what is the mission hopefully obito can handle it

Minato: it's just a simple mission we are just going to drop off a few boxes of supplies to some shinobi in the rain apparently the stone allied with some rain shinobi and are having a little battle with some leaf in the rain

Kushina: oh well best of luck on your mission and stay safe to ok

Minato: I will and I'll make sure to protect the team aswell

Kushina sets the table they both sit down and start to eat after awhile they finish eating minato and kushina share a kiss he leaves and starts to head to his team's meet up point.

(Hours later)

Minato kakashi and rin are waiting for one of there teammates to show up after awhile of waiting he shows up and scratches the back of his head nervously kakashi walks up to him to go on a rant about the rules of being a shinobi and what not obitos torture of being lectured by kakashi ends and minato starts to tell them about the mission they'll be going on they all nod there heads and minato pulls out a map there's two paths marked on the map one mark is wear the supplies is they need to drop off and the other is the drop of point they then start to go on there way.

(Time skip to when they get the supplies and arrive at the drop off point)

Obito rin and kakashi unload the supplie boxes while minato keeps watch something starts to feel off to the yellow haired man and he takes out one of his kunai and orders the others to stop and they do and take out there weapons and start to look around the area after a few seconds minato chalks it up to him being paranoid he puts his weapon away and gestures the others to do the same they put them away and are about to continue with there mission but suddenly a bunch of rain shinobi jump out and start attacking them minato with his fast reflexes pulls his weapon back out and starts attacking kakashi does the same and protects rin at the same time obito is scared to fight but manages to get the courage to fight.

Minato starts to get overwhelmed with all the shinobi on his so he throws one of his kunai far away and grabs his students and teleports away with them or so he thought once they catch there breath but rin looks around and starts to freak out.

Rin: where is he?

Kakashi: who?

Rin: obito where is obito sensei I think we left him behind we have to go back we have to save obito

Rin turns around and goes to head towards where obito is but kakashi grabs a hold of her hand.

Kakashi: rin we can't go back for him there's just no way he survived that attack

Rin starts to tear up and keeps trying to run to where obito is but kakashi's grip gets tighter minato can't help but feel guilty he clenches his fist and starts to run to where obito is as he's running he tells kakashi to take rin back to the village he follows the order and does as he's told.

Minato makes it to the drop off point and looks around to see most of the supplies gone but there's a lot of blood on the ground and signs of a struggle most likely from obito he looks around for him and calls his name a few times out the corner of his eye he sees something shining in one of the broken boxes he goes and to look inside of it to find a leaf shinobi headband that belonged to obito and its covered in blood also in the box was his goggles one of the frame's is broken and one of the ear protecters are broken and the string is severd.

Minato picks them up tears fall down from the yellow flashes eyes he grips both of the items tightly and yells for obitos name hoping for a response from the black haired boy but all he hears is just the rain he puts the headband and goggles in his vest so a hound dog can sniff them to make sure that blood isn't obitos he looks around a bit more finding more of obitos belongings such as his pouch jacket and eye drops minato has to assume worse and he ends up leaving the area and tries to think of a way to tell this to the rest of his team.

(That does it for chapter one I hope you guys enjoyed it and if there's any miss spellings please comment what word I miss spelled so I don't make the same mistake again anyways arrivederci)

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